Monday, January 4, 2010

DS3 Technology

The information age began an extensive search for a large number of traffic high-speed Internet connection. Organizations should send a large amount of data, long-distance trek, you may not be happy and clear lines, or DSL from time to time. These people will focus on high-speed broadband connections provided by DS3. The technology has also become a common year.

Security needs and choice flexibility and speed of traffic needs are met the plan, the plan provides a T3 line DS3 connections. Burstable bandwidth needed to transmit data requirements, DS3 services part of the limited bandwidth needs full bandwidth for other purposes, even in connection with the procedure governing DS3 Internet service providers and businesses around the world.

Deputy Representative of digital signals or digital services. "3" shows the level of services.Digital Service Level 3 is the large entities who are hungry you have a need for Internet bandwidth and T3 line speed of 44.7 MB per second. DS3 service levels will allow access to the necessary T3 lines. The transfer of copper or fiber-optic cable. DS3 network integration can perform multiple types of services in a circuit, thereby reducing the cost of opportunities.

In addition to amazing speed gearbox gives DS3/T3 line, the technology is completely scalable.Large organization, requires a lot of bandwidth, usually have a fixed bandwidth on a regular basis like DS3/T3 cable. The advantage is that technologies will help expand the bandwidth of DS3 flexible, from the very useful, when enterprises have a temporary ( "Burstable"), but high bandwidth requirements. Flexibility of the company's "bandwidth demand" is also cheaper, helping to cope with changes in motion, there is no waste of time.

DS3 and T3 lines from point to point dedicated line that provides 672,64 - Kbps voice or data channels or power line 28 of the T1, with the combination to provide high-speed data channel 44.7. Tubes can be filled with real-time dynamic video, large database network. Usually the company, T - 3-line use of the Internet service providers and enterprises to connect to the Internet backbone and spine.

DS3 Internet service providers and local DS - 3 services. These services are part of the speed from 10 Mbps to 45 Mbps of. However, this market is to promote Ethernet services provide a fiber optic cable to customers. The number of service providers to provide DS3 prices lower.However, these proposals should be considered, because these chains, in which a large number of over-subscription, and reached a speed which may eventually be far from satisfactory.To lead a special level of service one will likely be a good choice.

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