Sunday, December 27, 2009

Computer Performance

The system unit is the unit, which contains the components inside a computer system. It contains hard disk, memory, CD-ROM, nagpalamig fans, bus lines, etc.
Processing units in Thailand, the 'brain of a computer. Each machine has a processing unit.Therefore, treatment is not a unique feature of the computer. Is characterized by the memory of the computer. CPU executes all arithmetic and logic decisions of the computer. Input to the computer input device. The CPU processes data according to the instructions of the user.
(1) ALU (arithmetic and logic unit)
The ALU performs all arithmetic and logic operations. The basic arithmetic operations like addition, multiplication, and division. A rational action means that the amount of data comparison. This amount can be a character of the two numbers or letters. When running a program, usually loaded with memory data. The data make the transition from main memory to the ALU manipulates the control unit ALU in order.
(2) Control Unit
The control unit controls the link of all other units in the operation of the computer. It is responsible for all the participants of the guide data in the memory of the ALU. Then, the interpretation and implementation of these guidelines. Processed data, the unit will issue orders to process the data to main memory. It also controls I / O devices and auxiliary storage devices.
Its performance and use (CPU)
(1) CPU speed - the number of peacekeeping operations per second can be done.
(2) The size of the text - the ability to keep the operator.
(3) data lines - maximum capacity can be gained from operating the CPU.
(4) maximum memory memory, CPU can handle the costs.
Micro-computer is the main board. This ban includes the council added the connection. In the normal case, the motherboard contains the CPU, memory, mass storage interfaces, BIOS, serial and parallel ports, expansion slots, and requires all controllers to control such as monitors, standard keyboards, and peripheral drives. In general, all the chips on the motherboard called the motherboard chipset. Supply functions of the Unit (PSU) is a source of energy for the computer will switch to the main power appropriately. (For example: - in Sri Lanka, 230 volts, 12 volts AC to exchange) Peripherals consider is the name of the device inputs and outputs. Expected, memory and CPU, all devices connected to the computer. They are called peripherals. Some devices around only be used for input or output, but some, such as device input and output. Circuit devices attached to the computer using the port.
Ports used to connect to the computer equipment. Them to a gateway computer. (1) serial port - PC interface, compatible with PHP - 232 standard interface. The 9-pin connection, the transmission of information, or go to a byte time. Each byte is divided into 8-bit range, so long serial port. Serial port interface standard, one of the oldest species. Before the popularity of built-in modem, external modem is connected to the computer through a serial port, but also to communicate or "COM port" is known. A computer mouse and use the serial port to connect to the computer, and even the keyboard. Some use 25-pin serial connection, but often, 9-pin much. Here are the ports controlled by a special chip called a UART (Universal Asynchronous Receive relay). (2), parallel port, the parallel is used to connect printers and other devices outside the gates. Parallel port 25 - pin. Thus, the DB type of port - 25.The first man-made parallel port interface name. It is called, according to a company computer and communication in the original standard parallel interface. HP parallel interface based on modern design. A new type of parallel port, it supports both interfaces that connect the implementation of the EPP (Enhanced Parallel Port) or ECP (Extended Capabilities Port). Both parallel ports support bi-direction communication and transmission speeds 10 times faster than the port interface. (3) PS / 2 port developed by IBM for connecting a mouse or keyboard to type PC port. The PS / 2 port support in 6-pin DIN plug containing just a little. Most computers with PS / 2 port, so the serial port can be passed to other devices, such as a modem. The PS / 2 port is often called the mouse port. The PS / 2 IBM Personal System / 2. For the port used to connect the keyboard port purple and green are used to connect the mouse image.
(4) graphics port video graphics array first introduced in IBM. It has 15-pin. The design of the port of IBM. This is a 1987 design now, and we use it. It is used to connect a computer screen.
(5) Port Sound Card audio interface for connecting speakers, microphones, head phones prevent boofers
Game Port
Portal game is made by IBM. First, it was released in 1981 as a separate expansion card. The 15-pin, but now the game port to USB port to bereave.

Portal was created in January 1994. By Intel, Compaq, Microsoft, Digital, IBM and Northern Telecom. USB is a Universal Serial Bus stand. The number of devices connected to the computer around. Such as mouse, keyboard, PDA, Joysticks and game pieces, scanners, digital cameras, printers, media personal player, flash drives and external hard drive. USB USB 1.0 is the first for men in 1994. This USB data transfer speed of 12 mega bits per second. USB 1.0 is Intel, Compaq, Microsoft, Digital, IBM and other major groups of Northern Telecom. UHCI host controller and Intel's open software stack, Microsoft has implemented a USB software stack written in Windows and the host OHCI and National Semiconductor Corporation and Compaq more control; previous Philips USB, audio, and Texas Instruments was the most acceptable use chip mass. One of the co-inventor of the USB is the man: Ajay Bhatt, and then released in USB 2.0,2000 in April. It is by Hewlett-Packard, Intel, clearly Technologies (now Motorola, Microsoft, NEC, Philips, a joint venture work. Develop a higher data transfer rates of 480 mega bits per second, compared with 12 m per second plus the specification in 1.0, USB 3.0 specification was released on November 17 by the USB 3.0 Promoter Group in 2008 .. it is the transfer rate of up to 10 times USB 2.0 version, and is defined as a super high-speed USB.

Flash Website Designing

Flash Web Design is a very powerful and flexible way to create the impact, taking into account the audience. Shi Ying-rich protein, Tektronix has extensive experience in creating high-quality products, from simple Flash animation of different presentations, banners and web page presentations to complete a complex Flash web design services web site. We also develop professional website flash commonly used in introducing home page, online presentation, Flash presentation of complex technical problems. We have developed dozens of projects, including logo design and Flash is not considered complete until the customer fully satisfied with the results. Adding flash features to your website, of course, more attractive and unique. The style and quality, our professional web design credo, to ensure the continued success and development of your business. Flash design is one of the main areas of expertise. His experience in this website will provide a better understanding of our creative potential. You will experience our creativity and professionalism of the highest return on investment.
Flash Web Design:

Flash web design growing scale, in order to replace the traditional web design methods. Flash is used to create interactive animations on the page audio and cracks for products or services provided, the site owner. Cracks and interactive film to improve Web site, and make the impact site and contact browsers.Flash "static" design techniques, can lead to terrible development, many sectors of business sites range from corporate, retail, industrial and services The company's flash memory technology and design in order to achieve the benefits of its very useful. Flash drives for enterprise promotion and education tutorials Dier Liu audio interactive mode with user control functions such as fast forward, stop, track choice. Flash to improve your site design, as the audience of your site.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Guide for Beginners to Web hosting

So, want to know the virtual host and it offers or may not know how much web hosting? No shame not know this information. Everyone has to start from some start point. At this point, let us start to study the virtual hosts.

First of all, what a virtual host, this is how it works?

Virtual host is to provide a high power server computer connected to high speed Internet space and bandwidth business practices. As a data center hosting company to maintain the physical location of known high-power large-scale Web server computer network. The computer servers connected to a very fast, often redundant Internet connection. Primary data center, with standby power, quick connect to the Internet, and security monitoring staff.

The company hosting the site that provides disk space and bandwidth available to share the monthly cost to customers. When customers signed up, you can upload files to their personal space on a Web server and visual information, then people interested in Internet. Monthly costs, web hosting company charges far less than the cost of consuming their own house or data center server. This is because the presence of the company. They use all hardware, software, services, and other technology you need.

Host type network

There are many different types of website hosting, but the three main parts, dealers and private.Each host type has a different purpose.

Shared Web Hosting

Shared virtual hosting is the most common form. Shared hosting is a part of disk space and bandwidth to provide high power servers hosted on a website, you. Many other sites hosted on this server, hosting company will likely have a low number of servers in large data center and more. Server resource sharing of many other web sites assigned to the computer.

Shared virtual hosting if you are looking for a good price and not more than a pair of over one million web pages of the best ways to your site visitors a day.

Reseller Web Hosting

Reseller web hosting is a common, low cost solutions, start your own web hosting business.There are two dealers hosting, various private labels and distributors services.

In his own brand, is the best form of reseller program, because it allows you to maintain complete control of the client website. Private label program, so that dealers maintain adequate monthly web hosting customers, but dealers must pay a monthly fee the dealer room for a larger hosting company. More managed accounts, own-brand dealers can sell their higher profits. Private label access to the website can be held for more, if you are using a shared host each. This is a man, they need to organize to save money in a place with a great solution for many websites.

The plan of service reseller resell the conventional access network to a larger web hosting company plan, but earn you as customers and is still a customer, the monthly fee discount prices. Proposal does not allow control of the customer website, you can only keep a potential monthly income components.

Focused on Web Hosting

Focused on web hosting is the most powerful and effective access without resorting to buy their own equipment and pay for faster Internet connection, several hundred dollars a month a busy Web site solution. Focuses on host composition, no one other computer to access a server.This allows maximum configuration options. Any of a busy Web site will find the focus will host the inevitable choice.

Web Hosting Thoughts

Web hosting for all other information included in the plan wants to know? In this section, I explain the choice of a good virtual host to the most important factor for consideration.


The price of web hosting services are the most important. Many hosting companies, where the cheap hosting package, but they may be less elsewhere. Do not let a host package price fool you. Some companies have held a good price and good number of other features. Prices may be on her web site hosting plans, one of the most important decisions, but with additional options to consider high quality virtual hosts.

Disk Space / Storage Space

The physical space storage of disk space available to network files hosted on your network to store your values. These days, the hosting company and plan disk space is measured primarily in terms of capacity, but some also provide megabytes of storage space program. Depending on your needs of file storage space, you may need more or less. In general, to provide extra disk space, the better.

Bandwidth / Data Transfer

The available bandwidth, can be a great choice of quality difference between the program host.Under normal circumstances, the more bandwidth the hosting company to provide you, the better. This means that you can support more traffic to your website such as business growth.Alert web hosting company or measured by a meter to provide unlimited bandwidth. While these are legitimate offers many, some people NT, where the bandwidth of hope that ordinary users will not be used.


In any industry, it is essential to provide exceptional customer service. Virtual hosting is no exception. Many hosting companies of all available day and night, if you and your site, but there are some that are only available for a certain time every day. If your site fails at night when they have no middle, which means loss of business income. Should ensure that your hosting choice is always to provide support.

Money-back guarantee

Most Web hosting companies will provide a 30-day money back guarantee. Some people will give a longer period, but do not want to raise money-back guarantee with caution. I do not buy web hosting services for companies that provide at least a 30-day money-back guarantee, unless they confirm that a leader of industry has a good reputation.


The operating system is software, which controls a computer between the user and physical hardware to the machine's, interactive pieces. Run a Linux operating system, the vast majority of all sites on the Internet. Linux is a very common and more stable than Windows. Reliable operation is essential to a website. To this end, I prefer the Linux operating system to host my site. Some sites have specific requirements, only the Windows operating system to satisfy the requirements, but there are always options.


A good website showing the company regularly back up all data on the network server. More frequent data back-up, the better. At a minimum, the website of the web hosting company should be the daily backup file.

Control Panel

Control panel is to contact the site administrator between the host server and your computer has an internet connection point. It should have a well organized and easy to use control panel interface. My favorite of the cPanel control panel, which is leading the host control panel, where one of the websites now. PLESK is a good, many companies for you to make your own control panel to use. Most Web hosting companies will provide a control panel, they plan to use their bid to host the demo link. Control panel uses a priority, but should be user-friendly.


E-mail is an absolutely necessary part of the communication on the Internet. Most Web hosting companies, where the e-mail address will give you more and more space to save the e-mail will not be more than you need. You must notice that it has decided to strictly point in their e-mail account, only a few or a small amount of company information space.

Run Time

Running time is used to describe how long the average Web site sponsored company is available online terminology. No companies will be expected to provide an exact 100 percent of your uptime. Because it is impossible, such as hardware, software, and power failures. The events company, the normal operation of most is good, but also to make sure. It is still a good idea of consciously reported uptimes company. If not, at least 99.5%, it is likely not worth the hosting company.


As a website administrator, is a very good know how many of you, they come from, tourists length of stay, they are on your site, as well as how much bandwidth they used. This information is collected by Web servers, and a log file. A statistical package can read the data and provide relevant information, the website administrator. The information collected from the logs can be very important, more complete service to the public website.


Representatives of FTP file transfer protocol. This is a quick upload or download from the Web server, many of the files. Most Web hosting companies will allow their customers to access their web hosting account via FTP. FTP is very useful, is a good feature, when a managed account, online payment.


As the World Wide Web began, and many scripting languages were created and entered a dynamic, interactive environment, have we now changed. Scripting language is a way to add functionality to a web site, whether digital or computing load from an external database information. Scripting languages have made e-commerce era. Some languages, including PHP, ASP, JSP hours, Coldfusion, when, VBScript, JavaScript, and Perl's. I do not intend this article to complexity of details. If you know how to use these languages, you should know where to look for them on the web server.


Database is a local store, you can use different types of data. Database is used in such as shopping cart, message board application of the Internet, and product catalog. In a number of database web hosting service providers allow you to make the most of the applications can be deployed Web server. The database is to use the more advanced webmasters, but the information is provided free of charge online should be interested.


Virtual host can be a hosting company here in thousands of difficult decisions. The key is to find your plan must have a good hosting company. I hope this article is to let you decide which companies to host useful.

The Future of Nanotechnology

In today's world of "Star Trek so-called" writers can produce almost any physical item, from weapons and steaming cup of tea Earl Gray. Has long been considered to be pure sci-fi products, and now some people think that burning is a very real possibility. They say, molecular manufacturing, and if it becomes a reality, can significantly change the world.

Atoms and molecules stick together because they are complementary with the shape of the lock, or charges to attract. With the magnet, like a positively charged atom will stick to negatively charged atoms. When hundreds of millions of dollars, these atoms are pieced together nano-machine, a specific product begins to form. Our goal of molecular manufacturing, is the manipulation of atoms, and took them individually into the model to produce the desired structure.

The first step will be to develop nanoscopic machines, called the assembly, scientists can manipulate atoms and molecules plan will. Rice University professor Richard Smalley pointed out that it would take a machine the size of a few nano-assembly of millions of years, a large number of materials. From the reality of molecular manufacturing, you will need 1 trillion assembled to work together. Eric Drexler that the Assembly will not be repeated in other construction and installation. Every generation must build a second, resulting in exponential growth, until enough assembly object [Source: Kurzweil].

Be fitted with fewer moving parts, such nanogears
In this concept map.
1 trillion assembly and writers can fill in an area of less than 1 mm square, and may still be too small, we can see with the naked eye. Burning can be automatically installed and work together to build products, and may eventually replace the traditional methods of work. This can greatly reduce production costs, so that is not enough consumer goods, cheaper and stronger. Finally, we may be able to copy anything, including diamonds, water and food. Famine could be eradicated, machinery, food production to feed the hungry.

Nano-technology can have the greatest impact of the health care industry. The patient to drink fluids containing nanorobots programmed attack and reconstruction of the molecular structure of cancer cells and viruses. There were even rumors that nano-robot can stop or reverse the aging process and life expectancy can be greatly enhanced. Nano-robots can also be programmed to perform delicate operations - for example, a high level of nanosurgeons can work a thousand times more accurate than the fastest knife [Source: International Journal of Surgery]. Through working in such a small-scale, nano-robots can operate without leaving scars, the traditional surgical operation. In addition, nano-robots will change your appearance. Can be programmed to undergo cosmetic surgery, rearranging atoms, changing the ears, nose, eye color, or other physical characteristics, to change.

Nanotechnology can have a positive impact on the environment. For example, scientists can plan the reconstruction airborne nanorobots thinning ozone layer. Nano-robot to remove impurities in water and cleaning oil. Materials used in bottom-up approach, nano-technology is also causing less pollution than conventional manufacturing processes. We rely on non-renewable resources will be reduced nanotechnology. Felling trees, mining coal or oil drilling may no longer be necessary - nano-machine that can produce these resources.

Many experts believe that nanotechnology, these items belong to the field of possibility, at least in the foreseeable future. They pointed out that more external use only a theory. Some people worry that nanotechnology will eventually virtual reality - in other words, the hype surrounding nanotechnology continues to build before the restrictions on the public domain, as well as the interest (money) will soon be deleted.

Best Operating system for hosting

One of the first things you need to do to build your internet business is to find a webhosting.Web expands every day, and so do our possibilities. How to find a web hosting provider to meet their business needs? There are literally tens of thousands, each with a different focus and services designed for specific market segment.

Operating System, organized by the company may limit your flexibility of your business begins to grow. When considering your options, consider the following tips:

Operating system, or "platforms" such as Microsoft Windows NT or DOS is the basic set of commands to your team like to open applications and store files. In the early days of the Internet activity, most servers run on UNIX, a very powerful and flexible system that requires considerable technical expertise to manage. UNIX is still as popular as before, but now you have a choice: Windows NT and UNIX, such as changes in the Sun Microsystems Solaris and BSD Berkeley.

Experts offered different views of what works best platform for web sites, however, is a brief description and analysis of various systems. Finally, the choice depends mainly on your budget, and what you do with your site.


Linux, UNIX operating system is a universal platform that offers a variety of functions well. It is ideal to meet your Internet needs, such as e-mail, streaming, Web server, and fileserving. Linux is a very cost-effective selection of used computer hardware, and allows the creation of multiple pages on one server, which reduces the cost of hosting account. Linux servers are compatible with some extension of Microsoft applications such as MS SQL (database program) or Microsoft Front Page (Web authoring tool). Many engineers prefer the flexibility, security and control servers on Linux. Linux is open source (free) and many free programs available for Linux users.

Microsoft Windows NT/2000

2000 Window graphical user interface makes it easy to use and provides a familiar interface for most IT teams to work. It integrates well with other Microsoft applications, and there are numerous commercial applications for the platform. Especially attractive is the integration with the Microsoft Application Server (ASP), which allows creating dynamic web pages linked to SQL databases and other back office systems earlier.

Sun Solaris

Sun Solaris servers offer the highest level of resources and energy - these are the most robust servers! Sun has a proven and deployed in many large Fortune 500 companies It is a mature platform and there are a large number of applications and development tools available. Given Sun's ability and stability is ideal for high traffic functions, such as database servers, high traffic web servers and mission-critical servers.

Cobalt RaQ

RaQ is designed for virtual (shared) hosting multiple Web sites. It's simple administration makes a great first Web server. Its flexible administration interface also allows the sharing of responsibilities between the administrative staff.


FreeBSD is a version of BSD that was designed for the X86 processor. FreeBSD is very stable open source operating system, and is a good alternative to Linux. It is very well integrated and tested system, and is inexpensive. There is a wealth of free applications available for use with it

How to choose? As your site grows in size and complexity, most likely change their needs and capabilities and scalability of the platform come into question. It is better to anticipate this event and choose a web host that offers a wide range of operating systems that are scalable and support their technical expertise.

Products with Nanotechnology

Sun - Many sunscreens contain zinc oxide or titanium dioxide nano-particles. In the old formula of using sunscreen, large particles, it is for most white sunscreen. Small particles are less obvious, which means that when sunscreen is rubbed into the skin, which gives it a white color.

Self-cleaning glass - offers a company called Pilkington, who called the active phase of glass, which uses nano-particles, so the photocatalytic and hydrophilic glass. Photocatalytic effect means that when it is beaten by a glass of ultraviolet light radiation, nano-particles in a dynamic and begin to break and relaxed in the crystal (ie, dirt) of organic molecules. Hydrophilic means that when the water and glass so that exposure is distributed evenly throughout the crystal are conducive to clean glass.

Clothing - Scientists use nano-particles to improve their clothing. The zinc oxide nanoparticles with a thin layer of coated fabric, manufacturers can create a better clothing, protection against ultraviolet radiation. Some clothes in the dryer in the form of small particles or whiskers to help exclude water and other substances to make stain resistant clothes.

Scratch-resistant coating - engineers found that aluminum silicate nano-particles added to the scratch-resistant polymer coating of paint to make more effective and increase the impact and scratch resistant. Scratch-resistant coatings common on everything from cars to the lens.

Antibacterial Bandages - Scientists have created the production process, Robert Burrell uses nano-silver antibacterial bandages. The silver ions to avoid micro-breathing organisms, "Cell. In other words, the cells of asphyxia and kill harmful silver.

Swimming pool cleaners and disinfectants - Envirosystems, has developed a hybrid (called nano-emulsion) in nanometer-sized droplets of the mixture with fungicides. Bacteria adhere to the oil particles so that delivery of the efficiency and effectiveness of fungicides.

What's the difference between graphite and diamonds?

Both material is made from carbon, but both have very different characteristics. Graphite is a soft, diamond effort. Graphite conductive, but diamonds can not be conductive insulator.Graphite is opaque, mostly transparent diamond. Graphite and diamond, because the way these features combined with the carbon atoms of the nano-scale.

The World of Nanotechnology

Experts sometimes disagree about what the nanometer scale, but in general, you can on this subject, with something to compete between 1 nm and 100 is larger than the microscale and smaller than the atomic scale.
Nanotechnology is increasingly becoming a multidisciplinary field. Biologists, chemists, physicists and engineers involved in the study nanometer materials. Dr. Stormer hopes that the various disciplines to create a common language and communicate with others. Only then, he says, can effectively teach nanoscience, because you are not the world of nanotechnology to understand, without strong background in various sciences.

One of the most exciting and challenging aspects of the nanometer, the role of quantum mechanics while playing. The rules of quantum mechanics are very different from classical physics, which means that the behavior of materials at the nanoscale may sometimes conflict with common sense, which in themselves unpredictable. You can not walk into the wall and immediately teleport to the other side, but the nanometer scale electron - this is called electron tunneling. Materials that are insulators, can not carry an electrical charge can be in the form of bulk semiconductors, the nano-scale reduces. Melting points can be caused by an increase in the surface. Many of nano science, you forget what you know and learn and start again.

What does it all mean? At this moment it means that scientists experimenting with materials in the nanoscale, learn about their characteristics and how we can use in different applications.Engineers try nano-wires, the smaller, more powerful processors to make. Doctors seek ways to use nanoparticles in medical applications. However, we have a long way to go before dominating the technology, nanotechnology and medical markets go.

The next section will focus on two main buildings of nanotechnology carbon nanotubes and nanofibers.

Dedicated Web Hosting

In nearly all webhosting companies websites now days, you will see the two terms "Virtual Hosting" and "dedicated hosting". What is the difference between them? Now the pretty simple.

On a virtual server that you have your website on a computer (web server), based as it on other websites - anywhere up to 350 or more. This has several pages down, which is slower, less safe, and give less access to things on the server process, such as installing and updating the system software. On the positive side, however, that it is much cheaper than going to a dedicated server, and it is easier to handle.

On a dedicated server, you need the entire machine for themselves. This is fast, secure and you have complete control. You can install a program, what your heart desires and update programs as often as you want. This is a good choice for sites that many visitors to) a lot of system resources (using CGI scripts have to spend if you have very important data, or if you do not hold any special software on virtual servers. Unfortunately, for a decent dedicated server, prices start at around $ 300 per month - you can get it cheaper if you look around.

To summarize, you need a dedicated server if:

Your site gets as many hits Virtual Server account can not handle it.
You want many sites on a server host.
You do not have a feature offered on a virtual server.
They require a high degree of certainty.

Dedicated Server

Hosting your personal or business website on your own dedicated server may seems expensive choice in comparison to shared web hosting, but ultimately, it proves wise choice.

Shared web hosting, no matter how well managed, can not be 100% reliable and stable. But if you have your own dedicated server, you manage to avoid most of the variables affecting the reliability and stability of the server, usually experiencing a shared hosting accounts, variables such as: overload, bad codes and scripts from other users ( especially beginners), and for many applications and components uploaded, and so on.

The dedicated server you will install only software and applications you use while on a shared hosting server you will find many other software installed programs, and for other users.

The very nature of this account, dedicated server: reduces dependence on web hosting, and bypasses delays and possible cost to them. With dedicated server hosting you can provide immediate help for your own clients whenever required, which is impossible if you're on a shared server. Reliable and rapid support is vital for its own business growth and stability and reliability you for your own site. In business, reliability is reflected through word-of-mouth as one of the most effective promotional activities.

For people with clients such as graphic designers and developers of web sites dedicated server is invaluable. Dedicated server will bring extra income into the studio, not just as a hosting facility, but as a designer knows only too well, moreover, "bread and butter income value. If you have access to 24 hours on its own dedicated server, so you can edit, correct or update the client site within a few minutes, so you can keep the U.S. dollars back in your studio and not another. Easy access to the results in a reduction of labor costs for the client, but higher studio-income frequency for the designer. From there you will look back on all your regular offline clients that their sites work with them.

Need dedicated server to your average shared server user is realized when stats tell how quickly people left your site because it was too much time to download, or how many daily visitors, according to you because the place was up. It is true negative worry about how many lost visitors could be your future paying-customers. The loss could easily equal the value of upgrading to Dedicated server!

For business websites that are quick to download and the whole gives a visitor encouragement that your service is so reliable, so you'll make sales. It will also enhance their corporate image and encourage existing customers to refer your services to others. This will result in increased sales for less promotion.


POP3 means Post Office Protocol (version 3), which consists of mailboxes for e-mail systems so users can collect mail from a central location where mail is stored. POP3 accounts allow users mailbox on the server, the domain name. This means that if you own the domain "" to send and receive e-mails Post Office Protocol version 3 offers a simple and standard for access to user mailboxes and download messages to their computers.

Most e-mail applications, also known as e-mail clients using POP protocol, although some may be using the new IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol). To create a POP3 email accounts for your domain, your domain must be hosted on a server that has the name server.

Because POP3 allows the client computer collect mail via POP3 server (temporary) TCP / IP or other connection, except for sending e-mails, which is seen to be done via SMTP or other method. POP is suitable for devices such as phones or home computers without permanent connection to the network, requiring a 'post' (POP server) to hold their mail until they can get.

There are two versions of POP. The first, called POP2, became a standard in the middle-80s, and requires SMTP to send messages. Newer versions can use POP3, SMTP, with or without.

The main features of POP and IMAP

Although protocols are not supported directly and significantly different, there are certain common characteristics. Both:

How to handle e-mail access only. Sending mail via SMTP to handle.
Both permanent markers message to disconnect aid use.
They are freely available implementation (including source) available.
Relying on email delivery, usually shared, "always" mail server.
Allows access to new features of different types of client platforms.
Available for the implementation of client PC, Mac and Unix.
Available for commercial use.
provide access to new mail messages from anywhere in the network.
I fully support the connection (download and delete) access model.
Both protocols are open, which is defined in RFC.
Both are native Internet protocols, there is no need to post.

FTP Guide

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol and is a standard protocol that uses the Internet TCP / IP protocol for transferring files from one computer to another. FTP is a very common process today. FTP is commonly used to transfer web pages from your computer Taga-gawa on the server where the Web site. I used FTP to download programs and files on your computer from the server.

How do I use FTP?

To use FTP you need to install FTP software on your computer. Many of freely available FTP programs, such as the Internet, FTP Explorer ( and Smart FTP (

How do I connect to FTP?

Follow these steps to connect to the server, upload files via FTP Explorer:

Open FTP Explorer.
Click the Connect button on the toolbar or select connect from the Tools menu.
Profile Name text, enter the name that your FTP connection.
Host Address text box, type the address of the server you are connecting to (which may be either a DNS entry or IP address).
Enter the port number that the server accepts FTP connections (default port for FTP is 21).
Tick the Use PASV option, if your computer is behind a firewall that prevents external connections to the FTP.
Tick the Use Firewall option if your computer is located behind a firewall.
You can enter a user name for logging or tick Anonymous FTP (option unknown not only to work if the server is configured to connect to anonymous FTP - if it is selected go to step 10).
Enter the password to the Password text box.
The first path text box, type the path to the server where you want to start with the connection - is optional.
In attempts text box, type the number of times to test the FTP connection, if you need to have at least 1 in the text box.
Download path you can specify the path to your computer where you want to store files downloaded from the server - this is optional, you can determine later if you want.
Connection to the server, click Connect.
How do I upload files using FTP?

When found, the connection to the server next step is to upload files to the server. Below is an example of how it works:

Go to the path to the server where you want to upload files.
Click on the Tools menu, click Record.
Select the file or files you want to upload (to select more than one file, hold down the CTRL key).
You can also drag files into the directory / folder on the server.
Click Open. Your file is now uploaded to the server. (You will see the process of recording in the dialog box.)
How do I download files using FTP?

You can also use FTP to download files to your computer from the server. The following text describes how to download the file.

Make sure you are connected to the server.
Go to the file you want to download.
Click the right mouse button and select the file to download
Select the path on your computer where you want to save the file to.
The file will now be downloaded to your computer. (As you can see this process going on in the download dialog box.)
How do I end my connection?

You can simply terminate the connection, click Disconnect in the toolbar or click Disconnect from the Tools menu.

Domain Name Server (DNS) Works

Domain Name Server (DNS) is the Internet important, but unseen part, and forms one of the largest databases. Each computer on the Internet is given a unique address, called IP addresses, which is 32-bit number, and four bytes. The way users said that the IP address in dotted decimal notation, "in the world. A typical address looks like this:

It is difficult to remember all our sites daily visits, because it is not easy to remember the number of strings of IP addresses. However, we forgot the words. This is the domain name in the picture. If you want to connect to a Web site, you need to know its IP address, but wanted to know its URL. Acquired the domain IP address mapping and the corresponding name.

Name and Number

Translates domain names (such as the name of the machine resolves the IP address (eg Basically, converting it from an address to a name and address and name.

From the mapping of the IP address of the computer name is called reverse mapping. When you enter your browser type, the browser first need to get the IP address of The machine uses a directory service to find the IP address, the service is known as domain names. When you type your first contact with the machine, DNS server, asking it to find the IP address of This DNS server can get nakakaugnay by Taiwan with other Internet DNS servers. DNS is therefore considered a global network of servers. The big advantage of DNS update any organization. This is called a distributed database known.

The three-letter code

DNS server is a computer running DNS software. The most popular of the DNS software that Bind's (Berkeley Internet Name Domain) DNS is a hierarchical system tree. Above is a gift. '. Is known as the root system. There are seven root following a direct sub-domain nodes, and these are 'the government website COM', 'Oxford','', 'mil', 'net', 'edu', 'clean', etc.

Domain consists of two parts

* Name Server
* Decomposition

Domain Name Server:

It is found in search for the name of the activity. Usually, a cluster of machines for the domain name servers. If the domain name server does not contain the required information will be linked to another server name. However, each server needs to know how to contact all other servers.Each domain name server will know how to contact the root name server, which in turn also know that every two domain names in all of the power of location servers.


This runs counter to start the DNS check on the client computer. It contains a list of domains that use the name servers. As we read, for each of the domain name server function is to resolve the question name. There are three types of domain name servers, domain servers, primary, secondary domain name servers and Caching name servers. Secondary domain name server is configured for backup purposes. Caching name server to resolve the question of the name only, but do not have any DNS database files. It is important to point here that the primary domain name server, any change must be propagated to the second server. This is because their primary domain name server records in the database. These changes through the dissemination of 'zone transfer'.

How to "Cache" Industry

DNS using the 'principle of cache' operations. When the domain name server receives a message mapping, it caches this information. Additional questions, the same mapping will use the cached result, thereby reducing search costs. The domain name server is not cached.Cache is a component called time to live (TTL) and the TTL determines whether a server will cache a message. Therefore, when the Caching name server receives an IP address, it receives its TTL. The domain name server cache the IP address of a time and then discard it.

When the process needs to identify an IP address in the address of the DNS, called for a solution of address, the local host. It is possible in different ways:

Table lookup. In the UNIX host, table / etc / hosts.

With the local domain name server mode of communication. This is called the UNIX system.

By sending a massage to the remote system, the information from the file specified by / etc / resolve.conf.

When the domain name server receives a domain is not as questions, may be sent back to the client references a given domain name server for the better. Often work in a recursive way any DNS server is requested it can handle a higher level, server, etc., until the necessary, or until you can handle the root DNS name of the place so far.

The domain name server contains links to help other domain name servers, it can traverse the entire domain naming hierarchy. The original address in the domain name server host must also be configured. Then, it can use DNS to find domain name server protocol or a DNS naming hierarchy is responsible for.

So, when a domain name server receives a request, it can be one of the following:

It answers a request to IP address. This method is called iterative. Consideration, the customer has to ask the server to resolve domain names. Server to access the database and found that his IP address and send back. If the server does not find the address, it sends back an error;'s DNS not found '). Contact other nameserver and try to find the name of the requested IP address. Sent back to customers and better referral to a designated IP address of the server domain name.

A popular user interface, called 'nslookup'is UNIX system. With it, you can perform any DNS function. The plan also shows results for the user. Nslookup to use, you can get a zone list of all hosts. To do this, you first to determine the server of the domain name in the region.

The DNS is used for the integrity and authenticity of DNS data from the inspection to the lack of related threats. In addition, other protocols can use the access control mechanism for the host name. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has DNS Security (DNSSEC's) DNS extend the agreement. The main goal of DNSSEC is to provide authentication and integrity of the DNS. The above requirements by encrypting using '

Introduction to nano technology

Here is an unprecedented convergence of interdisciplinary scientific research in the world is so small, we do not see - even with the light microscope. This world of nanotechnology, the realm of atoms and nanostructures. Nanotechnology is so new, nobody is sure what will happen.However, predictions range from the ability to reproduce things like diamonds and food in the light was absorbed in self-replicants nano-robots.

To understand the unusual world of nanotechnology, we have an idea of the units involved.Centimeter is a hundredth of a meter, mil.lĂ­metre a thousand thousandth part of a meter, micrometer is a millionth part of a meter, but they are huge compared to the nanoscale. One nanometer (nm) is one thousand millionth of a meter, smaller than the wavelength of visible light and cienmilesimo the thickness of a human hair.

As small as a nanometer is still large compared to the atomic scale. Atom has a diameter of about 0.1 nm. The nucleus of an atom is much smaller - about 0.00001 nm. Atoms are the building blocks for all matter in the universe. You and from the surrounding atoms. Nature perfected the science aspects of molecular manufacturing. For example, our bodies are collected in a particular way of millions of living cells. Cells nanomáquinas nature. On the atomic scale, the items are in the very basic level. At the nanoscale, which could put these atoms together to make almost anything.

At a conference called "Small Miracles: The world of nanotechnology, the Nobel Laureate Dr. Horst Storm said nanometric more interesting than the atomic scale, since the nano is the first point where we can gather a bit - we do not begin atoms together, we can do something useful.

In this article we learned that nanotechnology means today and what the future of nanotechnology may have. Also consider the potential risks that come with working at the nanoscale.

Free Website Hosting & Paid Website Hosting

Web site hosting companies in the Internet allows the user to make their sites accessible via the World Wide Web. A large number of companies that offer web space on their server for their customers and offer a connection to the Internet in general in the data center. There may be various types of website hosting company. The basic classification is a free web site hosting and paid web site hosting company.

In the case of the web site free hosting, the user has the right to download the contents of the Web site server space provided by the website hosting company without any cost. Type of web site hosting is perfect for newcomers to the Internet and planned to read the website and creating functionality of the web server. On the other hand, to your web page uploaded to web space provided by a paid website hosting company, you must pay the company periodic fees.Fee amount may vary from company to company. Paid hosting company web site is best suited for professional web site owners. People who need large web space to upload their web site and wait for a certain number of visitors to the website, which is restricted on free hosting account to a minimum.

Income that paid services web hosting company will be paid by the company paid the owners of the website. In the case of the web site free hosting company, the main source of income comes from ads and banners that can be placed on pages by Web clients.

The main advantage of a free Web site hosting is that they have no value and create an ideal choice for those looking for a new business and are just beginning. They are ideal for people who simply want to reflect the minimum content of the World Wide Web in a small number of web space. Another advantage of using a free Web site hosting is that most companies provide an integrated, easy tool to download pages from the hosting provider. They do this realization that a free site web hosting, usually used for beginners.

There are also some disadvantages of using free website hosting services. When using the web site free hosting, you have to put banners and website hosting company on your web pages.Including revenue from advertising on the website of the company. In the case of paid web site hosting, advertising and banners placed on your web site on your will, as well as revenue from banners and ads on the website in your pocket. In some cases, a free Web site hosting, domain name of your website begins with a web-site hosting company name and your name on the site. This is not the case of paid web site hosting. With a unique domain Web site. Web space provided by free web site hosting is limited in cases where payment site web-hosting is to buy web space in accordance with your needs.

Using cPanel

Cpanel interface is a simple website that allows you to control your host account environment.The key features of the operating system so its easy to use than the average computer Cani ¿½ t the mess. In the ¿-power generating panel, and some of its features are hidden power.

Site Tool

Do you have network protection (. Htaccess editor) to provide this tool, Custom Error Pages, redirects, you can change the MIME types, Apache handlers ability to change the Install / Uninstall extension FrontPage Search Engine Submission Tools and File Manager.


E-mail program offers, you can add, delete, and change passwords while managing email accounts. Cpanel also an account, automatic response, agents, mailing lists, spam filtering and some more post office.


Backup allows you to make copies of account files and databases. Backup menu, you can also download all of your cPanel managed to download the automatic backup.


There are various tools to survey your site popularity and efficiency. Those are Webalizer website statistics, FTP Webalizer for statistics, simulation statistics, awstats software, see the latest visitors View bandwidth usage, that the error in the module log.


A control module for FTP accounts (add, remove, change their password to access), Anonymous FTP controls; the right to change the FTP login information, and can kill FTP sessions.

Advanced stuff

You can add or remove sub-areas, sub-domain orientation and statistics.

Advanced Tools

You have provided a means SSH access tools to manage GPG keys and cron jobs.

May pre-installed CGI. Those are Interchange Cart, Agora Cart, Bulletin Board, Java Chat, HTML Chat, phpMyChat, CGI packaging (not suexec installation), which is randomly generated by a high level of HTML messages, Counter Generator, Java Clock Generator, Java Countdown Generator, security FormMail program CGIEmail cloning, entropy entropy Banner Search. Web resources to identify and track the DNS routing. Database management tools, including the administration of MySQL databases and phpMyAdmin access.

Unlimited Wealth Creation Through Reseller Hosting

Virtual hosting is a very interesting enterprises begin to aspiring entrepreneurs. All you need to do to set up your business is become a hosting reseller, which provides hosting services for website owners. Here, as a business owner, you buy the area by large hosting company, and re-allocated to other hosts space for website owners.

Dealers simply act as intermediaries entrepreneurs, to provide rental housing services in time and space from another Internet host server, rather than their own. Most of the time, quality of service provided by the dealers are also very good, not even the idea of consumers, and its dealers who did not own servers. Distributors, because they can choose their servers, are basically able to offer customers the best service.

Reseller hosting business can be a non-profit company, once you understand these figures and profit margins related. We pass them. People can buy around 1000 MB space, one of the main virtual host the monthly cost of 25 yuan. This 1000 MB space, they can be re-allocated to the current site owners who need space to upload your site. Here you can give about 25 MB of space per month 5. This means that your monthly income is about 200 yuan when you sell 40 hosting packages. They want more. Some hosts allow, not exaggerated, space charge, unless more efficient use of your account exceeds 1000MB. We have seen that a typical user uses less than half of the distribution network space. This means that can double or even triple sell your quota, so that unlimited wealth.

And in good spirits, this income is residual income. It will continue to come to you month after month, year after year. Your job once. And pay again and again. All we are doing is buying space and hosting from a company's most important, as the host distributor. Their efforts have focused on the sales goal of hosting space, the rest is provided by your web host. Some of them even handle customer service, on behalf of clients for their costs. This makes it easier for you.

If this is not enough. You can earn extra income by adding the remaining to recruit more distributors through you. By doing so, you will receive on a regular basis the Committee at its monthly sales. This is not a wise business. Profit margins in the business of reseller hosting is quite good, you can start in this exciting business, even if you do not have the necessary expertise and access to funds for building the necessary infrastructure. Very strange, it may seem, sometimes, a distributor may also be more scalable than the average hosting company.A real hosting service's hardware limitations, if a customer suddenly need to upgrade your hosts are not ready, the only way the host will be able to satisfy the customer is by upgrading your hardware - both expensive and time-consuming. Reseller host, however, you can simply choose to find a different hosting service that best meet customer needs.