Saturday, December 26, 2009

Products with Nanotechnology

Sun - Many sunscreens contain zinc oxide or titanium dioxide nano-particles. In the old formula of using sunscreen, large particles, it is for most white sunscreen. Small particles are less obvious, which means that when sunscreen is rubbed into the skin, which gives it a white color.

Self-cleaning glass - offers a company called Pilkington, who called the active phase of glass, which uses nano-particles, so the photocatalytic and hydrophilic glass. Photocatalytic effect means that when it is beaten by a glass of ultraviolet light radiation, nano-particles in a dynamic and begin to break and relaxed in the crystal (ie, dirt) of organic molecules. Hydrophilic means that when the water and glass so that exposure is distributed evenly throughout the crystal are conducive to clean glass.

Clothing - Scientists use nano-particles to improve their clothing. The zinc oxide nanoparticles with a thin layer of coated fabric, manufacturers can create a better clothing, protection against ultraviolet radiation. Some clothes in the dryer in the form of small particles or whiskers to help exclude water and other substances to make stain resistant clothes.

Scratch-resistant coating - engineers found that aluminum silicate nano-particles added to the scratch-resistant polymer coating of paint to make more effective and increase the impact and scratch resistant. Scratch-resistant coatings common on everything from cars to the lens.

Antibacterial Bandages - Scientists have created the production process, Robert Burrell uses nano-silver antibacterial bandages. The silver ions to avoid micro-breathing organisms, "Cell. In other words, the cells of asphyxia and kill harmful silver.

Swimming pool cleaners and disinfectants - Envirosystems, has developed a hybrid (called nano-emulsion) in nanometer-sized droplets of the mixture with fungicides. Bacteria adhere to the oil particles so that delivery of the efficiency and effectiveness of fungicides.

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