Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Future of Nanotechnology

In today's world of "Star Trek so-called" writers can produce almost any physical item, from weapons and steaming cup of tea Earl Gray. Has long been considered to be pure sci-fi products, and now some people think that burning is a very real possibility. They say, molecular manufacturing, and if it becomes a reality, can significantly change the world.

Atoms and molecules stick together because they are complementary with the shape of the lock, or charges to attract. With the magnet, like a positively charged atom will stick to negatively charged atoms. When hundreds of millions of dollars, these atoms are pieced together nano-machine, a specific product begins to form. Our goal of molecular manufacturing, is the manipulation of atoms, and took them individually into the model to produce the desired structure.

The first step will be to develop nanoscopic machines, called the assembly, scientists can manipulate atoms and molecules plan will. Rice University professor Richard Smalley pointed out that it would take a machine the size of a few nano-assembly of millions of years, a large number of materials. From the reality of molecular manufacturing, you will need 1 trillion assembled to work together. Eric Drexler that the Assembly will not be repeated in other construction and installation. Every generation must build a second, resulting in exponential growth, until enough assembly object [Source: Kurzweil].

Be fitted with fewer moving parts, such nanogears
In this concept map.
1 trillion assembly and writers can fill in an area of less than 1 mm square, and may still be too small, we can see with the naked eye. Burning can be automatically installed and work together to build products, and may eventually replace the traditional methods of work. This can greatly reduce production costs, so that is not enough consumer goods, cheaper and stronger. Finally, we may be able to copy anything, including diamonds, water and food. Famine could be eradicated, machinery, food production to feed the hungry.

Nano-technology can have the greatest impact of the health care industry. The patient to drink fluids containing nanorobots programmed attack and reconstruction of the molecular structure of cancer cells and viruses. There were even rumors that nano-robot can stop or reverse the aging process and life expectancy can be greatly enhanced. Nano-robots can also be programmed to perform delicate operations - for example, a high level of nanosurgeons can work a thousand times more accurate than the fastest knife [Source: International Journal of Surgery]. Through working in such a small-scale, nano-robots can operate without leaving scars, the traditional surgical operation. In addition, nano-robots will change your appearance. Can be programmed to undergo cosmetic surgery, rearranging atoms, changing the ears, nose, eye color, or other physical characteristics, to change.

Nanotechnology can have a positive impact on the environment. For example, scientists can plan the reconstruction airborne nanorobots thinning ozone layer. Nano-robot to remove impurities in water and cleaning oil. Materials used in bottom-up approach, nano-technology is also causing less pollution than conventional manufacturing processes. We rely on non-renewable resources will be reduced nanotechnology. Felling trees, mining coal or oil drilling may no longer be necessary - nano-machine that can produce these resources.

Many experts believe that nanotechnology, these items belong to the field of possibility, at least in the foreseeable future. They pointed out that more external use only a theory. Some people worry that nanotechnology will eventually virtual reality - in other words, the hype surrounding nanotechnology continues to build before the restrictions on the public domain, as well as the interest (money) will soon be deleted.

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