Saturday, December 26, 2009

Guide for Beginners to Web hosting

So, want to know the virtual host and it offers or may not know how much web hosting? No shame not know this information. Everyone has to start from some start point. At this point, let us start to study the virtual hosts.

First of all, what a virtual host, this is how it works?

Virtual host is to provide a high power server computer connected to high speed Internet space and bandwidth business practices. As a data center hosting company to maintain the physical location of known high-power large-scale Web server computer network. The computer servers connected to a very fast, often redundant Internet connection. Primary data center, with standby power, quick connect to the Internet, and security monitoring staff.

The company hosting the site that provides disk space and bandwidth available to share the monthly cost to customers. When customers signed up, you can upload files to their personal space on a Web server and visual information, then people interested in Internet. Monthly costs, web hosting company charges far less than the cost of consuming their own house or data center server. This is because the presence of the company. They use all hardware, software, services, and other technology you need.

Host type network

There are many different types of website hosting, but the three main parts, dealers and private.Each host type has a different purpose.

Shared Web Hosting

Shared virtual hosting is the most common form. Shared hosting is a part of disk space and bandwidth to provide high power servers hosted on a website, you. Many other sites hosted on this server, hosting company will likely have a low number of servers in large data center and more. Server resource sharing of many other web sites assigned to the computer.

Shared virtual hosting if you are looking for a good price and not more than a pair of over one million web pages of the best ways to your site visitors a day.

Reseller Web Hosting

Reseller web hosting is a common, low cost solutions, start your own web hosting business.There are two dealers hosting, various private labels and distributors services.

In his own brand, is the best form of reseller program, because it allows you to maintain complete control of the client website. Private label program, so that dealers maintain adequate monthly web hosting customers, but dealers must pay a monthly fee the dealer room for a larger hosting company. More managed accounts, own-brand dealers can sell their higher profits. Private label access to the website can be held for more, if you are using a shared host each. This is a man, they need to organize to save money in a place with a great solution for many websites.

The plan of service reseller resell the conventional access network to a larger web hosting company plan, but earn you as customers and is still a customer, the monthly fee discount prices. Proposal does not allow control of the customer website, you can only keep a potential monthly income components.

Focused on Web Hosting

Focused on web hosting is the most powerful and effective access without resorting to buy their own equipment and pay for faster Internet connection, several hundred dollars a month a busy Web site solution. Focuses on host composition, no one other computer to access a server.This allows maximum configuration options. Any of a busy Web site will find the focus will host the inevitable choice.

Web Hosting Thoughts

Web hosting for all other information included in the plan wants to know? In this section, I explain the choice of a good virtual host to the most important factor for consideration.


The price of web hosting services are the most important. Many hosting companies, where the cheap hosting package, but they may be less elsewhere. Do not let a host package price fool you. Some companies have held a good price and good number of other features. Prices may be on her web site hosting plans, one of the most important decisions, but with additional options to consider high quality virtual hosts.

Disk Space / Storage Space

The physical space storage of disk space available to network files hosted on your network to store your values. These days, the hosting company and plan disk space is measured primarily in terms of capacity, but some also provide megabytes of storage space program. Depending on your needs of file storage space, you may need more or less. In general, to provide extra disk space, the better.

Bandwidth / Data Transfer

The available bandwidth, can be a great choice of quality difference between the program host.Under normal circumstances, the more bandwidth the hosting company to provide you, the better. This means that you can support more traffic to your website such as business growth.Alert web hosting company or measured by a meter to provide unlimited bandwidth. While these are legitimate offers many, some people NT, where the bandwidth of hope that ordinary users will not be used.


In any industry, it is essential to provide exceptional customer service. Virtual hosting is no exception. Many hosting companies of all available day and night, if you and your site, but there are some that are only available for a certain time every day. If your site fails at night when they have no middle, which means loss of business income. Should ensure that your hosting choice is always to provide support.

Money-back guarantee

Most Web hosting companies will provide a 30-day money back guarantee. Some people will give a longer period, but do not want to raise money-back guarantee with caution. I do not buy web hosting services for companies that provide at least a 30-day money-back guarantee, unless they confirm that a leader of industry has a good reputation.


The operating system is software, which controls a computer between the user and physical hardware to the machine's, interactive pieces. Run a Linux operating system, the vast majority of all sites on the Internet. Linux is a very common and more stable than Windows. Reliable operation is essential to a website. To this end, I prefer the Linux operating system to host my site. Some sites have specific requirements, only the Windows operating system to satisfy the requirements, but there are always options.


A good website showing the company regularly back up all data on the network server. More frequent data back-up, the better. At a minimum, the website of the web hosting company should be the daily backup file.

Control Panel

Control panel is to contact the site administrator between the host server and your computer has an internet connection point. It should have a well organized and easy to use control panel interface. My favorite of the cPanel control panel, which is leading the host control panel, where one of the websites now. PLESK is a good, many companies for you to make your own control panel to use. Most Web hosting companies will provide a control panel, they plan to use their bid to host the demo link. Control panel uses a priority, but should be user-friendly.


E-mail is an absolutely necessary part of the communication on the Internet. Most Web hosting companies, where the e-mail address will give you more and more space to save the e-mail will not be more than you need. You must notice that it has decided to strictly point in their e-mail account, only a few or a small amount of company information space.

Run Time

Running time is used to describe how long the average Web site sponsored company is available online terminology. No companies will be expected to provide an exact 100 percent of your uptime. Because it is impossible, such as hardware, software, and power failures. The events company, the normal operation of most is good, but also to make sure. It is still a good idea of consciously reported uptimes company. If not, at least 99.5%, it is likely not worth the hosting company.


As a website administrator, is a very good know how many of you, they come from, tourists length of stay, they are on your site, as well as how much bandwidth they used. This information is collected by Web servers, and a log file. A statistical package can read the data and provide relevant information, the website administrator. The information collected from the logs can be very important, more complete service to the public website.


Representatives of FTP file transfer protocol. This is a quick upload or download from the Web server, many of the files. Most Web hosting companies will allow their customers to access their web hosting account via FTP. FTP is very useful, is a good feature, when a managed account, online payment.


As the World Wide Web began, and many scripting languages were created and entered a dynamic, interactive environment, have we now changed. Scripting language is a way to add functionality to a web site, whether digital or computing load from an external database information. Scripting languages have made e-commerce era. Some languages, including PHP, ASP, JSP hours, Coldfusion, when, VBScript, JavaScript, and Perl's. I do not intend this article to complexity of details. If you know how to use these languages, you should know where to look for them on the web server.


Database is a local store, you can use different types of data. Database is used in such as shopping cart, message board application of the Internet, and product catalog. In a number of database web hosting service providers allow you to make the most of the applications can be deployed Web server. The database is to use the more advanced webmasters, but the information is provided free of charge online should be interested.


Virtual host can be a hosting company here in thousands of difficult decisions. The key is to find your plan must have a good hosting company. I hope this article is to let you decide which companies to host useful.

1 comment:

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