Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Plastic Eye Surgery

Ophthalmic plastic surgery, also known as a surgical procedure to remove bags under the eyes, skin, fat and more muscle in the upper and lower eyelids. Package of adjustment of the eyes and upper eyelids, this procedure can reduce the signs of premature elderliness.
However, plastic eye surgery can not remove crow feet and other wrinkles, lift eyebrows or remove dark circles under the eyes. You can not remove the scars of their racial or ethnic heritage. Blerophlasty done alone or in combination with other cosmetic surgery, such as losing eyebrows or face cancellation.
The best candidate for plastic eye surgery
Plastic eye surgery can improve their appearance and self-confidence, but not necessarily match your ideal, or trying to be better people. When deciding on your expectations for your surgeon to discuss treatment.
The best candidates for plastic eye surgery are people who share the physical and mental health and realistic expectations of results. Most of them are over 35 years old, but if you have a case of eyelid folgats at home, you may decide that the program at an early age.
Some conditions may make plastic eye surgery risks. These conditions include hypothyroidism or thyroid disease, dry eye, high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes. Glaucoma or retinal detachment is also a reason to care, talk to your doctor before surgery.
Plastic Eye Surgery Risk
If a plastic surgeon experienced in eye surgery and other complications are rare, usually by themselves. However, there is always a small risk of infection or unusual reaction to anesthesia.You can reduce these risks, follow your doctor's advice before and after surgery.
Minor difficulties, and can be of plastic eye surgery include blurred or double vision days, temporary swelling of the eyelid corner, scarring and slight asymmetry of treatment. Small white spots can be removed from the slot, but the doctors can be easily removed from the needle.
Some patients also have some difficulty, close your eyes. Rarely, this situation is permanent.Another side effect is the most common drop-down menu under the eyelids, which may require a second surgery.
SurgeryPlastic eye surgery usually lasts for 1-3 hours, in accordance with the procedures are complex.If you need to call four of the eyelids, the surgeon usually starts with the upper eyelid, and it is small.
Under normal circumstances, the surgeon makes incisions in the upper eyelid folds and tags below the lower eyelid. Sometimes, cutting the expanded laugh lines or crow feet of the corner of their eyes.
If you have fat bags under your eyelids, but do not require the skin, the surgeon can do transconjuntival a double eyelid. This process involves incision of the eyelids, leaving no visible scar. Younger patients with thicker, more elastic skin are the best candidate for this type of plastic eye surgery.
Continuous technological improvements eye plastic surgery in order to reduce risk and increase the likelihood of a successful outcome. However, patients should share realistic expectations and to discuss the results of their surgery must be aware of all the risks associated procedures.
Eye Lift Surgery

Surgery Eye Lift is a procedure which removes excess skin from upper and lower eyelids, improving the appearance of the patient with a more fitted, youthful and fresh appearance.
Who benefits and Eye Lift Surgery?
Even people in his twenties often ask for a surgery to lift her eyes to improve their appearance.Many of them have a "puppy look" with the outer corner of the eye is smaller than the inner corner. These patients usually want almond shaped eyes, like Beyonce or Tiger Woods. Asian People often want their eyes.
In the mid-thirties or skin on the eyelids often relaxes and becomes thinner. The forehead and cheeks also fall so that the eye pressure. On the cheek and eyebrow down, pull the outer corner of the eye as well.
Want to get an idea if you can benefit from surgery eye lift, you can do this by looking in the mirror and raise the eyebrows and cheeks of about 1 cm.
Drooping upper eyelids can be treated with a brow lift instead?
Some doctors prefer to deal with upper eyelid drooping brow lift instead of surgery eye lift. This is because they think that the eyelids are usually caused by a front that gives way. Therefore, the eyelids and eyebrows can be reformed to look younger by lifting the front. You should talk to your surgeon to determine whether drooping upper eyelids can be better addressed with a brow lift instead of surgery to lift her eyes.
Is there any danger for the Surgery of lifting your eyes?
If the surgeon is highly qualified and experienced, the risk of complications or eye damage is very low. But like any surgical procedure, there is a slight possibility of something more than expected. The surgical procedure involves a small incision in the lid to remove fat. The eyeball is protected by a special shield to prevent eye injuries. Most surgical eye lift is done overseas, so the risk of injury is very low.
How quickly restore an Eye Lift Surgery?
The skin around the eyes will be beaten by 10 days. You can go in public wearing big sunglasses. Sometimes, the swelling over a longer period. This can usually be treated with massage.
Does It Hurt?
Surgery Eye lift can be performed under local anesthesia in the office or "Twilight" anesthesia in an outpatient hospital. Anyway, a professional surgeon will ensure that you do not feel anything.Most patients have reported that the most painful part is when the stitches are removed.However, some surgeons have a special way of placing the stabbing, so that removal is less painful.
How Eye Lift Surgery Cost?
Surgery Eye lift is less expensive when performed in the office, because no anesthesia or hospitalization expenses. The average price of eye surgery to lift the top performed in the office is $ 1800.
To reduce potential complications, you should avoid activities that involve pressing, folding or bending during the immediate period after surgery. It is also recommended to avoid situations where foreign material can get into the eye.
Laser Eye Surgery Risk

Most patients who Undergo Refractive surgery are very satisfied with the results. But, like any surgery, there are some risks that entails. It is very important to be aware of the possible complications, Effects and Risks laser eye surgery.
Before undergoing a vision correction procedure, you examine carefully the advantages and disadvantages based on your own value system and try not to be influenced by friends in the surgery or doctor trying to convince you to leave.
Below are the most common laser eye surgery risks.
Vision moose
After the procedure, a very small percentage of patients experienced a vision loss that can not be corrected with glasses, contacts or surgery half. This is a very rare but very serious risk laser eye surgery.
Disabling visual symptoms
Some patients experience halos, Glare or double vision after the surgery, which seriously Night Vision problems. Even if they have a good vision on the vision chart, one can not see well at night, when fog or other situatyons of low contrast. One can even see worse in the situatyons as before treatment.
Under treatment of air
This is a very frequent laser eye surgery risk. Only a small percentage of patients obtaining 20/20 vision after surgery without glasses or contact lenses. You may need additional treatment to improve vision, but this is not always possible. Even if you used a very weak prescription for treatment wear glasses, you can still wear glasses or contact lenses afterwards. If you used to wear reading glasses on, you might still need after surgery.
Strictly three-egg syndrome
Second Clinic risk of developing severe dry eye syndrome. After surgery, your ice cream would not be able to produce enough Tears for keeping moist. This not only produces discomfort, can also reduce quality right to permanently blurred vision and other problems. The eye condition may be permanent. It is usually treated with eye drops intensive treatment, but others may also be used.
Less effective results in patients with different types of major errors refraktive
You should not expect much from a laser eye surgery. Their expectations, you should discuss with your doctor and ask if you still need glasses or contact lenses after surgery or not.
Results decreases with all
Second Clinic risk for the results to decrease over time, especially in patients with a long-term.If your manifest refraction (lenses for use in an examination widen Drops) differs from your siklopegik refraction (More exam with lenses after dilating Drops applicable), the Dschones get the higher side.
For new technologies, it is not enough research data available. As some of them have been a few years ago now, long - term effectiveness and certainly can not be determined. Even though they were advanced in March, they might have some unknown long - term effects.
What Is Laser Eye Surgery?

The use of information technology in medicine is Evolving Rapidly. Today, there are a large number of surgical Procedures available to patients who need to correct your Vision.
General, laser eye surgery has been used in three Types of eye problems:
On Myopia - Observed in the vicinity of
The Hyperopia - a lot - visualli impaired
On Astigmatism - Vision distorted at any distance
As the conditions are caused by problems in the patient's ability to focus on the retina image.Ability to focus on the difference Defense on three Factors: distance from the front of the eye back to the shape of the Cornea and lens. Clear front surface of the Cornea is Curved superior to the human eye iris and pupil. It provides about two - Thirds of the eye's ability to Concentrate.
During quieter Jay Sergei, the surgeon Makes the shape of the Cornea using a device called exsimer quieter. The Creates a laser beam that vaporizes tissue. It is also known as the "cold" laser because it Removes the targeted areas around the eye tissues Undamaged.
Laser prosedures
The most common Types of laser procedure is part (offset refraktive keraktomi) available since the early Nineties, and Loseke (quieter assisted keratomileusis on the ground), only Introduced in the immediately - Nineties.
Part - in the surgical procedure, the surgeon uses a beam of light which vaporizes a small amount of eye tissue on the surface of the eye. This will remove enough tissue to Reshape the Cornea and repair Vision. The patient back in a week.
Loseke - This is a complicated surgical procedure. The first step is to cut the flap of the Cornea and Lifted. Later, the Surgeon Removes precise Amounts under the Layers of the Cornea using a laser Guided by a computer. In the end, the Valve is put back in place and an eye for a speedy recovery themselves.
Benefits and Risks
Laser eye surgery is always a highli skilled and healthy - Prepared professyonals. For most patients, the results are very good and their Lives are Significantly Improved. They no long need to wear glasses or contact lenses.
It is important to maintain realistic Expectations for laser eye surgery. Patients over 40 years of age can wear reading glasses after surgery. Eye Continues to change after the surgery and you have to wear prescription glasses or contact lenses at some point in their Lives. You can also choose the moment when the first laser eye surgery has not been fully successful /
More Chapter quieter Jay Sergei, the patient may have already unclear Vision of the whole healing process. However, it generally ends at a later date. Still possible Outcome is a Regression, which means the eye will return to its original state within about six months. If the Happens, it will be a second surgery or go back to Wearing glasses or contact lenses.
Lasik surgery Usually Involves fewer negative Effects and improve faster than the eye. However, since it Involves Cutting part of the eye tissue; the risk of more serious Complications.
History of Laser Eye Surgery

Radial keratotomy
Laser vision correction surgery, nearly 100 years of history go. LAN, the Netherlands, Professor Ophthalmology, 1898, and to clarify the main principles of the cornea. Sato, doctors in Japan, corneal incision for 30 years is a pioneering part of the experiment. But the latter part of the patient's cornea after treatment, many people suffer from degradation.
Radial keratotomy in practice Boshifeiao Fyodorov in Russia in 1970, drawing the eye trauma patients. He is from the laceration, cornea, and lõhutakse these glasses, boy pain and use of this technology. After treatment, the patient's visual acuity better than before the injury. In order to determine the success of past efforts, Boris Fyodorov, a number of studies in this area for sure. His study the United States in 1978, the eye caught my attention.
Boshiliao the U.S. without a visit to the Russian people Boshifeiao Todorov skills. Since then, there are two million people in the United States, radial keratotomy.
Certain restrictions Radial keratotomy surgery, the eyes look a different type of decision-making research.
Excimer Laser
Excimer laser for the history of laser vision correction surgery is another important step.Although the IBM laboratory work, Dr. Srinivas interactive potential of biological tissues, and it was found that for the first time. Dr. Shi Difen reshape corneal tissue Trokel first use. Laser equipment, cold light source, corneal tissue interaction and the release of carbon - carbon bonds of molecules in the destruction of tissue ablation.
Excimer laser refractive surgery since 1987, the world's highest proof of efficacy and safety have been used. For millions of people's eyes in patients suffering from different conditions, you may receive the procedure.
Excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy (PRK)
Excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy history of laser vision correction surgery is an important step forward. Refractive index for the first time the operation took place in Germany 1988th After the operation has been carried out by millions worldwide.
In laser-arc - Get keratomileusis (LASIK)
Corneal laser vision correction surgery has been reported in recent discoveries. Reduction surgery and laser corneal flap valve at the bottom of the organization down the blade. This process can be compared to a refractive index of the cornea remained virtually unchanged.Therefore, the patient's comfort and faster recovery after LASIK surgery, and hope.
With regard to LASIK surgery the surgeon for 15 years. First clinical trial of surgery was the 1991st But the main part of this program has a long history. Ophthalmologist for 50 years, 40 years to replace the corneal thickness of the establishment of protected areas, using different methods and the use of excimer laser end of the '80s.
-6.00 Diopter in 1996 approved by the FDA in 1997, laser therapy is the process of approval of myopia and astigmatism treatment -4.00.
In the recent history of laser vision correction surgery, laser therapy and the risk of progress to overcome these programs have also improved. On the contrary, today's technologies, such as laser IntraLense extra blades to provide safer and faster recovery. Other technologies, high accuracy of forecasting and increasing opportunities for successful operation.
Healthy eye vision tips

The practice of distance (more than 20 feet away): the human eye (reading, computers, factory work, sewing, etc.) near the work was not designed to provide extended use. Visible on the streets, the eye's natural position), (20 yards or more is located. The eye muscles to relax and looked away. Therefore, you are always a good nuneulgwa vision, often to visit, or if you play the actual distance.
Before this job, while immediately after the meal will not occur: blood in the stomach to digest the purpose of working too close to the fire was called in during or after the eye was blind due to lack of digestion and nutrition, muscle, Because of the lack of nutrients, such as amblyopia, and therefore blur the vision.
Do not show fatigue or illness: mild physical energy that will weaken the entire system. Read on, tired, sick or weak eye muscles were concentrated.
Do not read more than 30 minutes time: 30 minutes, the largest eye fatigue and stress, or is not required. Therefore, some relaxation of the practice between the two eyes trained to avoid the IOP.
Sunshine (above or below) food, the eyes: the birth, and radiation is the passion of energy healing. This is always the best, nutrition, sun, especially to help you and your eyes will be.
Tips for a Healthy and shining Skin

Tip 1: just water
Water is regarded as the most effective treatment to restore the course or free treatment, almost any skin condition, because it is alkaline Jeff 7.3. It can prevent dehydration is the ability of the sebaceous glands produce sebum or enemies. Your skin needs water to make it the best, so doctors and nutritionists recommend a daily intake of 6 to 8 glasses of water a day is very necessary.
Tip 2: pay attention to your diet
Food plays a vital role in skin health. To ensure food acidic foods and dairy products, is said to be able to effectively lead to allergic reactions some people. Also a forum for discussion on many issues, today's chocolate nutrition. Some people say that chocolate does not affect the size of the skin, some people feel that IT is no longer Whatever the outcome may be, the best advice is to follow the nutritious food is a range of fresh fruit and green - the green wedge and fiber.
Tip 3: Consider exfolyant
Many experts believe that you exfolyating skin is still a good way to achieve a beautiful skin.Therefore, try to invest in a loofah body exfolyant œ â € or €? , Because we all know, because it can remove dead skin cells in the body. Why does this happen once or twice a week, so the release of the skin breathe. What is more exfolyant help slow ingrovn hair from developing countries.
But it is important to avoid using any body exfolyant Unto the facial skin. The main reason is to prevent the face sensitive and more sophisticated than the three organizations in the body.
Tip 4: Consider a healthy conventional fossil syncline
When it comes to facial skin care into a healthy beauty routine is not bad. Today, most doctors recommend that you highli clean, nourish and tone the skin twice a day. When cleaning, do not even remember the clean-up the region's neck, with your face. Application of moisturizing cream or neck.
In your sleep at night, you should always remember to remove all make - up. Clean the skin, and then to sleep, no matter how tired you may feel. It was found that at night, your skin through a process of elimination, unable to breathe properly, if it is clogging make-up. You can also find yourself sleeping with your makeup on your skin will lead to a prepare Dejection ?With its patch.
When it comes to a razor, some people experience shaving rashes. Before many people, the rash to reduce their self - self-esteem, but it is actually not a big problem and thought. There are many white, in order to avoid skin rashes. Perhaps, the best is to ensure that, when shaving, razor Sheraton hair growth direction.
Tip 5: Your feet Division
When it comes to skin, feet are often overlooked. So, if you find that do not have time to take care of the professional pedicure, try to fill a football or basin with warm water and your favorite Yiddish language. Soak your feet about 15 minutes. However, the dry, rough skin remover and apply them. Equal dry out your feet's health. If you think, pedicure, simply add a body cream, with your feet an easy and quick to read Reflexology.
Tip 6: Of course, too much sun
One of the most common considerations when it comes to skin care is avoiding too much sun.As you know, in the sunlight cause burns. Thus, although the sun only to prevent the black network is still so harmful UV rays and will be, it is still a good idea to pay for their own investment in commercial Apollo. If possible, use the width along the cap, and you have a tendency to make the sun from your face.
Tip 7: Sports
In addition to taking into account a healthy diet, exercise, and a half to keep the skin healthy.Please note that appropriate exercises not only keeps the body fit by regulating the oxygen also increases the luminous skin.
Tip 8: The real good rest
A common problem is that people are faced with pressure, one is not normal. It was found that when a person is stressed that the conversion of adrenal adrenal cortex hormones testosterone Hamann, in human beings and nature, which in turn has led to over-active sebaceous glands.Adrenal androgen testosterone in the dual circulation Yaogen need to face greasy, while the other poor body is still dry and dehydrated. Thus, to take proper rest, including the 6-8 hours of undisturbed sleep, is the best way to revitalize the skin.
Aloe Vera - The Healing Plant

Aloe Vera is a plant with many wonders One of the surprises. If you use it as a necessary ingredient in beauty products or consumed as a food supplement. Aloe Vera is a hot fertile region plant, but now cultivated in most of the world. Aloe is a member of the lily family, although it seems more of a cactus. Was used for the purpose of your medication before, but only recently has been a rediscovery and subsequent explosion of popularity.
There are over 200 varieties of aloes, but it is an Aloe Barbadensis Miller (Aloe Vera) plant, which has been the use of many drugs because of its richness screens. Aloe Vera has seen more than 75 active ingredients with a range of vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, calcium, essential amino acids, sugars, digestive enzymes, anti-enzymes stimuli, plant sterols, lignin, saponins, anthraquinones and more. Aloe Vera has many factors, including vitamins A, B, C and E. Aloe has a wealth of minerals and enzymes, but not all parties have not yet been identified.Sikuhizi, although medicines and drugs can be very effective in the treatment of diseases, prolonged use often involves side effects for patients. The results are more consumers and scientists to go back and look more traditional, and often are a primary source that has been neglected for a long time. As a result, Aloe Vera is once again drawing attention to, because it can provide many benefits for health and our lives without consequences.
BENEFITS of Aloe Vera
Old records show that the benefits of Aloe Vera have been known to mankind for centuries.Medical services and its healing properties and lives more than 5000 years.
Use one of the Aloe Vera juice can benefit from Aloe Vera to support autism, improve circulation, detoxify and heal from the inside. Aloe Vera Juice can be a part of a system of health every day, because it is safe to take each day. Aloe account adds much to our real gall.E 'strikes small intestine and stimulates the muscular coat of the intestine result in a drain in about fifteen hours. Aloe also help increase menstrual flow, and the group of emmenagogues.Aloin and aloe now used for medical purposes. This causes a bit 'of pain. It is better for the types of drugs most constipated. Continue to use has led to extend the measure.
Aloe profits with our health and help reduce blood sugar levels of diabetic patients. Aloe Vera is a powerful laxative which may be some anti-cancer effects in humans. Now, read the treatment of asthma.
USE OF Aloe VeraAloe Vera is commonly used to treat external skin conditions such as cuts, burns and echzema. It is alleged that the juice from Aloe Vera facilitates pain and reduces swelling. The scientific evidence of the efficacy of Aloe Vera SAP on wound healing is contradictory.Research shows that the average healing of severe burns has been accelerated by six days while covering the wound regularly and aloe vera gel, compared to the healing of wounds covered with gauze bandages. Contrast, the study suggests that lesions of aloe vera gel was applied were higher heals slowly.
Many cosmetic companies add SAP or products from Aloe Vera products such as makeup, shampoos, soaps, moisturizers, sunscreens and lotions. Aloe gel is accused of having an advantage for dry skin conditions, especially eczema around the eyes and face and sensitive skin to treat fungal infections true infections.Aloe has excellent results in skin diseases and often as a health drink. Aloe Vera also be effective in treating wrinkles, stretch marks and pigmentation. Auravedic where operators are in favor of the use of Aloe Vera. According to their Aloe Vera is a very good position in the diabetic. Aloe Vera is to be smaller the molecular structure and cutting properties. This means breaking down fat globules to reduce obesity.Medicinal properties of Aloe Vera are still under discussion, but the property is very nice to be accepted by the world.
Aloe Vera is also known that certain characteristics of the treatment. Aloe is used as a tonic for patients suffering from arthritis, diabetes and high cholesterol. This is due to additional housing estate, which aid in healing, fungal medications, drugs, effective against bacteria and other goods. It has been found to enhance the immune system. Transparent gel found in magazines, used as emergency treatment of skin wounds and erithema know also applied externally on hemorrhoids and foe a good healing. Aloe Vera has at least two substances that reduce the level of blood sugar, and points to its use in patients with hypoglycemia. Its juice is used as prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal tract. Aloe Vera efficacy in the treatment of skin, because the structure is the same as aspirin, and magnesium, which have eyes soporific effect and because the structure contributes to the purity antimicrobian skin, preventing the possibility of infection.
Effective tips for a proper weight reduction

The most common mistake that people facing the problem of weight is that they follow the prescribed program and appropriate for weight control. As a roadmap to help find the right way to reach their destination, to plan appropriate and effective for weight control will help to reduce obesity.
Once you determine the right type of plan that is best suited for your body, you should try and work on his next. The idea is to expand too much too quickly to implement measures on a weekly basis, then cover them even more successful in reaching the target in advance. Here are some tips that will help you to:
Step 1Always clear and precise objectives that are practical and realistic. One should not make plans that are not fulfilled or realistic. Do not make goals that are too load, which is a lot of small holes, as it will be much more motivated to achieve these objectives and contribute less to achieve the ultimate goal.
2IT important steps to control and plan to follow. The best way to begin is to analyze what you eat and make necessary adjustments where possible. Ideally, one where the normal diet of healthy food and try to reduce as far as possible the amount of cholesterol in the diet.Motion and phase 3Adopt regimeAdopting effective mechanism for the exercise helps control the problem with weight. The task of ensuring that the deposits of excess calories in your body to burn and not enough energy available in the body through the rigors of day to go. Plan for weight management should have specific information about the exercise to be followed.
PLANone stage performance 4Analyze must analyze whether the plan is suitable for it or not.Should every detail of the specific control measures should be adopted and the flow process of how to achieve these measures.
5Finalize step in the plan and ways to achieve goal "Once the plan is completed, power should be used to monitor progress on it. Inculcate good eating habits and learn new and varied sources will be helpful to provide fresh and healthy food. Will try to gather as much information as you have in terms of weight management and reduce emissions.
The idea is to make a plan and follow. Once completed the plan should strive to work towards achieving the objectives. Only poses a plane and then action will have no effect on weight control.
Formulated to adhere to an effective planning and maintenance of trail development and effects relationship is the ideal way to go to overcome the problem with weight.
Colon Cleansing

Colonic is one of the best medicines. Cleaning deposit of old toxemia. Colon cleansing reduces the formation of new toxemia from putrefying fecal matter.
Clear in the patient, once symptoms Colon Visa status almost immediately, reducing the burden of current toxic. Well, angiography, or Colon, is as strong technique, one that headache is often severe disappear, and do away onsetting cold, not the end of the late nusitis bout of asthmatic attack, reduce arthritis pain and acute inflammation, reduce or stop an allergic reaction.
Enemas also thrifty: they are self-managed and you can prevent most doctor visits seeking relief for acute conditions.
Colon diseases themselves, such as Chronic constipation, colitis, diverteculitis, not emorrhoids, irritable bowel syndrome and mucous colitis, are often difficult to improve colonic given only several close together.
Contrary to what many think many people think that if other children have diarrhea or loose stools, Colon is the last thing they need. It is amazing that the number of colonic removing too many conditions.
People with chronic diarrhea or loose stools are usually very badly constipated.
A hundred years ago were far little scientific information on the activities of the human body. It was easy hygienically-oriented physician to come to believe that Colon Hydrotherapy was one of the best medicines available. Practitioner with only colonic improve and has many very satisfied customers. The most important is that this drug has not done anything bad.
Somehow, people in our culture is deep reluctance to participate in the Colón, or performance.People do not want to think of the Colon or personal benefit from it by giving themselves enemas or colonic. They are very ashamed to have someone else do it for them.
People are also shy about Soccer Comedy, and many are hard to not smile or respond in one way or another if someone breaks their presence in the wind, but the polite among us think that we have found. Comedians usually succeed in getting laughs out of audiences when they come to refer to speed or other stools. People do not react the way urinary functions or discharges, although these may also have a bad odor and unpleasant originates from the same "private" area.
The average person has prolapsed (execution) transverse Colon, and distorted ascending and descending Colon false. When the medical examination done, X-rays were taken, each series of 12 colonic patients. Many patients experienced immediate relief so they willingly took at least four complete sets, or 48 colonic, before the X-ray Mionzi, began to look normal structure. It was also between the same number, 48 colonic that patients see significant improvement of Colon.
X-rays showed that it was under 12 Colon treatment to a small but noticeable changes in the structure of the oil in the wanted direction, and the patient begins Stool information that has been improved, and the fact that they began to feel better.
An Introduction to Bach Flower Essences

What is the Bach flower essences?
The initiation of Dr. Edward Bach, 20 century, 30's, the flower is a liquid core and ether-printed floral patterns, in particular, yes. As a homeopathic liquid - usually spring water, a bit of brandy added protection - has little or no detection of chemical substances in the flowers has been completed. On the contrary, the liquid continuous vibration modes flower. What does this mean?
For more information, mostly of flowers (also known as the Flower Therapy "), can you imagine that all things are already vibration energy - modern physics and Eastern mysticism, confirmed this - there are no finite particles, but to play the dynamics of the energy models. Hotel composition, a lot of energy, in practice, as revealed by Einstein's equation E = mc2, where the amount of energy (E) equals mass (M) the number of objects (C - very much) square. Now, picture a beautiful red rose - bright, colorful and vibrant - Rose is a particularly dynamic model, to do all the other red roses (though not completely, but it is close). Frequency of energy, in particular red roses is different from other flowers. Vibrations, so grew faster than the other flowers (Rose is considered very vibration of flowers), and these vibrations interrelated in a certain way. Now imagine any other flower - Geranium - such as the vibrational state different from the Red Rose - perhaps a bit more slowly, and with each other in different ways. It is these vibrational patterns Each flower gives it unique qualities - color, shape, taste, texture, and socontinue.
Now, the same audio source material may be a room the sound vibration energy (such as the eardrum's vibration, the picking and guitar), flowers, water and vibration can cause a variety of energy. Has two votes, and even light (though this is closer), but the "ether" energy - mostly of flowers and the shock of India, and in the water, where the site is. Water that has a vibrating itself to maintain a certain energy vibration of the flowers to soak them. ether of the brand, which is stored in the water, you can really move water in the future of other objects (or people) also makes vibration energy.
So, does this all mean for us? ! So, by Dr. Edward Bach said the concept, the source or nature of the disease has been emotional. When a person is meditating, finally, what kind of emotions, we can conclude that everyone is feeling energetic state, in particular, are. All emotions seem particularly energy - love, despair, anger, fear, appreciation - may be considered another form of energy for each model. Boshibahe to state a negative energy, negative emotions, a source of disease in man, and theoretical support for the majority of doctors in the world. Baheboshi also believes that these countries can become a living, whose approach he found that the use of the vibration modes flower - This is the nature of treatment in the PRE-born.
After years of research and learning, Baheboshi developed to address the use of the vibration modes flower, was recorded in spring and change the status of personal emotional vibrations.This shows that through a large number of case studies, mainly in the flower the proper selection and application, which can be effectively dealt with by most of the negative forces of the disease situation. In addition, one does not need to benefit from the disease or condition to understand the essence, the flowers - the flowers can be used to help change the negative emotion, as well as the causes and transmission of, or the model has its roots in the long term.(Flower has become the core of the positive and negative state, because the flowers should not contain negative energies themselves).
Boshibahe 12-7-19 classification
Baheboshi, 38 of the original flower essences, discovered the 3 categories to assist in its implementation. These 10 classes are healers '12 'to reflect and to change the basic nature, '7' assistants chronically ill, but the "two 19" more related to traumas or difficulties. Here we see 12 of treatment, and describe the properties of each substance. 7 years helpers, the second is considered the second and third parts of this article.
12 treatment was named after a flower Boshibahe mainly to help people to change their source of disruption of nuclear well-being. This nuclear deal is a typical 12 and 12 groups, 12 leaders such as Dr. Bach saw them. Some even went so far that, with the twelve signs of the zodiac (seems to be a reasonable relation), but is not yet clear whether this relationship is Baheboshi itself.
This is an essential part of the 12 is a good starting point for any trip into a real improvement in flowers, is often caused by lack of harmony or evil imbalances, this withholding, or maybe even all the "ill - is" in our lives.
Impatiens - As the name of the Flower Show, which is largely resolved impatient tendencies, these people have difficulties in the flow time. Their minds are often much higher than the present moment, they deny that their own fully immersed in the beauty around them. Individual needs, we can truly Impatiens lonely, always leads to a subtle, human communication, so that the common lot of human experience. Many of Impatiens relatively "rapid response" mostly seems to flower more easily in a few minutes of use nature.
Gentianjuuren - They need a nuclear gentian flower is easy to encourage a setback occurred.May suffer from widespread feeling things are not going well, can doubt that he can improve.Gentianjuuren can achieve more positive attitude - it can be argued that one is "good enough."When things are not quite as planned, and will not be overwhelmed and discouraged, you see the lessons of the cases may turn more wisdom and strength than ever before.
Mimulus - This is the central core is known to correct the problem in everyday life. Those who need this can be sensitive to the nature of common events, which share the fear of the reaction outside. Fear can be found in the physical body, focusing on the diaphragm, it can overcome anxiety. Mimulus flowers bring real added value to help these people, so that the strength of character than me, so that they can find joy and enthusiasm for life.
Clematis - Clematis flower type is basically a dreamer, it is sufficient interest, the immediate moment of daily life. The individual can be a powerful inner world - the ability to dream, imagination and visualization are developed, but the performance is in the real world is not strong. Clematis can help bring evidence of a warm body, so that people can channel a great gift for the here and now.
Aralia - what kind of flowers are often hidden nature of Agimony pain or disease, entrenched behind a happy faÃÆ'à § gland, the internal and external. Neglects his own suffering, or try to ignore them, but we really have a passion for design, and take personal growth and healing.These people are tough on the environment, which may allow the expression of other issues.Blood root flower core can help you find inner peace, which constitutes the truth under indoor conditions, you agree to these terms and conditions, and further processing.
Chicory - full of self-pity, and "nobody likes me" attitude, chicory flower of nuclear waste on the basis of their claim for better than others. One way is to deal with acts of love to other people seem to need a little self-serving elements. Chicory is considered important nuclear energy removed from the channels of love, so that they can freely give directly. It may be particularly useful in the negative behaviors of children who need attention.
Verbena - Verbena flower core teaching is balance. Persons in need of Verbena can be more fruitful in the extreme, it is strong - perhaps inflexible - in their own way. Although their high energy, only the work of Verbena species can cause pressure on a particular case, flexibility is essential. This is the mind body connection may be lost, the heart is so strongly committed to action, it may be impossible to consider long-term health effects. Verbena flowers from the nature and balance of the country, so that these strong-willed people who need flexibility in demonstrating their strong desire and effort.
Centaury - the core flowers can not be said for those who do not. Chicory is a type of reason is the nature of the service, and acceptance of others. The result is not true, self-respect, communication and fine personal energy. This is a recurring theme of the personal scope, such as creative wants, and the weak enforcement of these limits. Chicory flower mainly by self-respect, support the idea of life itself is important. You think you really want to own the honor and respect towards other people can be the first to confirm it - and then, a personal healing can finally be a strength.
Scleranthus - Scleranthus flower of personality need to be characterized by nuclear indecision, confusion and hesitation, often faltered two choices. This is not itself able to determine the best physical and mental drain - this mental energy is to study the re-use, and does not reflect the best choice. The world can be a difficult place for them, because there are countless opportunities, but lost their way, not to go forward. Scleranthus help these people identify themselves and the world, the power to call an internal problem. This makes a lot of energy to release one of the options pleasure and performance.
Water Violet - This important flower is open to the nuclear core. In need of this nature can be quite effective to work in social and family relations, but avoid the deeper part of these bonds. It is due to childhood experiences, so in this area earlier in life, or in other cases, individuals have been completed, and to prevent the full integration of the human family. Real growth of warm love and companionship should be used as the other - Water Violet Flower, mainly to support this change.
Rock Rose - This is the essence of flowers very afraid. Mimulus different, which indicates that the fear of showing such "sensitive", Rock Rose terrorist direction. Often pointed out that the traumatic event (such as part of remedial measures for rescue), and in particular situations, high-growth responses are most concerned about is to curb or cure. If the person has been life-threatening diseases, for example, one has to overcome the fear of death, this fear will limit any healing can take place. Rock Rose brings courage to those who need it.
Cerato - Cerato flower types do not believe that basically, your mind, or instinct, but asked for the views of others, and according to this guide in their lives. This is almost certainly creates an imbalance, because the only honest and listen to your inner voice, we can follow the trail of physical and emotional truth. Looking for advice, it is certainly the most important conditions of life, Cerato type uses this advice, walking stick. Cerato flower mainly encouraged to listen to own inner wisdom to promote spiritual growth in this direction.
Summary Notes "12 healer" - Dr. Edward Bach's flower mainly in the fact that the key underlying causes of personality change in the imbalance. Doctor, Bach believes that one or more of these imbalances and diseases for each patient, and if these imbalances, the conditions for healing may successfully arise. Of course not necessarily reflect the state to find outside assistance to sexually transmitted diseases, the nature of the flowers through the balance, anyone can enhance personal development and improving the experience of life.
The following section of this article, we see the 'seven Helper - flower essences Baheboshi useful for chronic disease state.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Difference Between Web Design and Hosting

Although both tasks in web design and hosting services to create and maintain the site, two features that are very different with regard to how they are managed, and what they actually do. Often offered as a couple from the same manufacturer, some people think web design and hosting all in one. Here is some information on each task, and that the acquisition of rights to help with web design and hosting needs.
Web design is the creation of web pages about themselves. Just as printers, since the elements are in the model used to create individual pages of newspapers, a web designer will combine elements to create the desired effect. Such elements as text, graphics, images, sizes and colors used for the production and development in the area, which is informative and attractive. In a very real sense, a web designer creator of the site where each page is done individually, while the mix with all other pages of the site.
But hosting is the process of creating Web pages designed fully accessible for those who use the Internet. Hosting company will contract with companies and individuals to provide bandwidth and server space, where the area can really live. Inside the host, the host will ensure that there is sufficient bandwidth to support the amount of traffic that regularly visit the site daily. Some of the best web hosting companies include a system of automatic detection and site owners to know when traffic is approaching in excess of current capacity constraints.
One of the reasons why some people confuse web design and hosting some hosting companies also offer web design as part of its package of services. In some cases, the project is structured as templates that site owners can use to create web pages. Other hosts offer full-time designers working on a web with customers to create pages from scratch. As a result, many entrepreneurs choose to go with a hosting company for your web design services and quality of its absorption capacity.
You can buy a web design and hosting service from two different suppliers. A number of designers can be found on the Internet today, and many also offer the opportunity for a free consultation session as a way to determine if he or she is right for the job. At the same time, web design and hosting companies are a convenient and makes it easier to ensure that the code used to design the site will work with your hosting company, and can often be purchased at a lower price, combined. Anyone interested in creating or changing the existing area will examine both options and decide what will be the most effective solution.
Preventing Investment Mistakes
Losing money on an investment can not result from a failure of the investment, and not all mistakes result in monetary losses. But errors occur most frequently on the jury unduly influenced by emotions such as fear and greed, the observations hindsightful, and short-term market value comparisons with independent data. Your own misconceptions about how securities react to different economic, political and hysterics are the most dangerous enemy.
Master these risks, at least ten to improve the performance of long-term investments:
1. Develop an investment plan. Set realistic goals that considerations of time, risk tolerance and future income --- think about where you go before you started the wrong way. A well thought out plan, there is no need frequent adjustments. A good management plan will be sensitive to the presence of speculation in fashion.
2. Learn to distinguish between decisions on asset allocation and diversification. Asset allocation divides the portfolio between stocks and fixed income securities. Diversification is a strategy that limits the size of individual portfolio holdings in at least three different ways. Neither activity is a hedge, or a timing device on the market. Neither can be done precisely with mutual funds, and both are handled more efficiently, using a cost effective approach based on working Capital Model.
3. Be patient with the plan. Even if the investment is always mentioned in the long term, is rarely treated as such by investors, the media, and financial consultants. Never change direction frequently, and always make gradual rather than drastic adjustments. To short the market value of short-term should not be compared to a portfolio related indices and averages. There is an index that compares with the portfolio, the timing and the sub-divisions have no relationship to the market, the interest rate and economic cycles.
4. Never in love with a warning, especially when the company was once the employer. It is alarming how often accounting and other professionals who refuse to correct the problem resulting from individual portfolios. In addition to the theme of love, this is a willingness to pay the tax issue, which often leads to the gain on Schedule D as a realized loss. Nonprofits, in a class of securities, can not be achieved. One objective is to be established under the plan.
5. Prevent "analysis paralysis" from short-circuit the decision. An overdose of information lead to confusion, hindsight, and the inability to distinguish between research and sales materials --- often the same document. Accent a little close "to the information that an investment strategy and well documented software will support more productive in the long term. Predictors to avoid in the future.
6. Burn, remove it from the Shortcuts window or launch any tricks that supposedly instant stock picking success with minimum effort. Do not allow your portfolio to a mix of mutual funds, index ETFs, partnerships, pennies, hedges, shorts, tires, metals, grains, options, currencies, etc. Consumers 'obsession' with products underlines how Wall Street made it impossible for financial actors to survive without them. Remember: consumers buy products, investors choose bonds.
7. Participation in a seminar on the expected interest rate (IRE) sensitive securities and learn how the proper management of change in their market value --- in either direction. The share of portfolio income should be considered separately from the growth. Bottom line for the change in market value should be predicted and understood, not reacted with fear or greed. The fixed income does not mean fixed price. Few investors realize (in both senses) the possibility that part of your portfolio.
8. Ignore Mother Nature's evil twin daughters, speculation and pessimism. They are with you to purchase at market peaks and panic when prices fall, ignoring the potential of cyclic Momma. Never buy at all time high prices or overload the portfolio with current story stocks. Buy good companies, little by little, lower prices and avoid the typical investor would buy high sell low frustration.
9. Step by calendar year, the idea of market value. Errors involve investment time horizon of more realistic, and / or "apples to oranges comparison" performance. Get Rich Slowly path is a road safer investment that Wall Street is allowed to be overgrown, if not abandoned. Growth of the portfolio is rarely an up arrow and short-term comparisons with unrelated indices, averages or strategies simply produce detours that speed progress away from original portfolio goals.
10. Avoid low cost, ease the confusion, the most popular, ie, in the future, and one-size-fits-all. There are no gifts or things on Wall Street, and the more differs from traditional stock and bonds, the biggest risk that you add to your portfolio. When cheap is the main interest of an investor, who usually gets the prize is worth.
Exacerbate the problems that investors face in managing their investment portfolios is the sensationalism of the media leading the process. Step by calendar year, the idea of market value. Investing is a personal project where individual / family goals and objectives must dictate portfolio structure, strategy and techniques of performance evaluation.
Virtual hosting
In a technical sense, virtual hosting a way for a server for multiple domains on the same machine. This type of virtual machine can use an IP address shared by all machines or more IP addresses.
In common usage, describes the virtual machine to any situation that offers a lot of space in one of their machines for webmasters to rent. This is in contrast with the location and dedicated servers.
With a dedicated server, buy the webmaster many systems, including Internet access, an IP address (or multiple IP addresses), and in general, configuration and support. With co-location provides webmaster hardware itself, but the domain is hosted by a third with an Internet connection.
Virtual hosting is a much cheaper alternative for these two types of accommodation. Having many different webmasters use a single machine, the machine is able to charge less money to offer server space and Internet connection.
When virtual hosting is usually aimed at small businesses, individuals and those who do not have much experience with network problems, almost always comes with a range of services. This can include: helping the establishment of a domain name, technical support, e-mail server software installation, support and basic aspects of database design.
Virtual hosting usually comes with a single IP address, but can go with services that allow multiple domains that point to the same IP address. This allows a single virtual hosting account has more than one domain name, usually just redirect to the same site.
Virtual hosting accounts usually use a bit of fun for the treatment of a single IP address to a machine hosting multiple accounts. When a user enters the site you want to visit, was launched into the corresponding IP address - when you get this machine, the server is asked about the place you want to visit and send them to the appropriate folder on the server. Thus, the user will be sent to http://www.test.com/
In all respects, a virtual hosting account to be its own server. From the point of view of a webmaster and point of view of a user is in the bottom and seamless integration. Webmasters concerned about the allocation of resources, or any security problems often co-located or dedicated server for webmasters to be more to your taste - but for small businesses and private individuals, virtual hosting is an ideal solution.
Choosing a reputable Forex Broker
Finding a Forex broker is a difficult process to go for most people, it is necessary, the need for external assistance. Try to negotiate the Forex market without a broker could lead to disastrous consequences for the normal operator. Similarly, hiring a Forex broker wrong lead to the same result as trying to go alone. It is very important to the diligent investigation of brokerage firms can manage your financial portfolio.
A good Forex broker offers to customers who have been successful and can vouch for the qualifications of the corridor and the specific history of success. Put in that position to demonstrate the strengths of a person as they did a bad job for you? Testimony in the history of the customer must be present in a future Forex broker and plentiful to give a solid company. You can evaluate a lot of time being a Forex broker with a list of clients who speak for the brokerage firm or agent. It should be noted that every word of oral testimony should be taken with a grain of salt to decompose and to collect relevant information. The evidence must be used in research to find a Forex broker, but not the decisive factor.
Another good piece to test the reliability of the potential Forex broker is the amount of information, literature and experience who are willing to give you. Most traders are of high reputation and a solid but there are many that do not have a good story or history, is not advised to stay away from these corridors. You try a reliable financial adviser and the second best solution, but it will not. More potential Forex broker is ready for you to do in the region to help understand the Forex trading system, traders will be better for you.
A good way to get out to find a good Forex broker is required to ask their foreign exchange dealers and how they met. This can not only references to potential foreign currency dealers significantly, but also gives you ideas and resources, so that no localized. If you receive a recommendation from friends, make sure that the investigation was special agent and his qualifications for committing to a formal agreement.
The other factor is finding a good Forex broker is the margin on offer. A margin trading currency impact on your money and foreign exchange dealers offer many different margins. Find an online broker, which gives a margin of ten to one not very well find that it is time to reinvest in research. Remember that this industry is about customer service and attention to the clients so if your prospective Forex broker does not return calls within a reasonable time, it is desirable to keep searching.
Risk of Asteroid Impact

Smaller asteroid impacts occur about twice a year. Only about 3 m (10 feet) in diameter, these stones to move from an average of 17 kilometers per second, has an energy to cause NOK airburst two times the Hiroshima bomb, at a height of 43 km. Initially, it was feared that the impact of nuclear explosions in the atmosphere would be wrong to ask for satellites of asteroids and trigger a nuclear war, but modern satellites are able to distinguish two aspects of flash bombs. Royal Astronomical Society believes that no less than 50 meters above was a meteorite. Meteorites are known as shooting stars. "The impact of a large asteroid, more than 50 meters (164 feet), occur about every 500 years. Similar to the smaller asteroids, asteroids around this size usually lack the kinetic energy to the surface and explode at a height airburst about 7 km. airburst energy is about 6 million tons of TNT, equivalent to a small hydrogen bomb. An asteroid believed to be around this size exploded in a region near the
The fireball from an asteroid impact about 250 m (820) in diameter, occurs only once every 2000 years. These asteroids in fact, tend to affect the area, even if they could break a little "before you. The result is energy around a gig, about 20 times more powerful nuclear weapon ever tested, the Tsar Bomba. This impact an asteroid believed to have happened on the moon by the year 1178, where he played a
Asteroids larger than 1 km (0.62 miles) in diameter, is very rare, occurring less frequently than once every 50,000 years. But these are the most destructive and more likely to threaten the human race, despite its rarity. Such an asteroid impact caused the 50 billion tons of TNT valuable source of energy, are all for more than a few hundred miles in all directions. For example, if an asteroid hit a residential area, you can kill millions of people. But the probability of success in the next 100 years is less than 1 / 500, and the probability of hitting a populated area coincidence is less than 1 / 1, 000
What is the Largest Asteroid Ever to Hit Earth?

The largest asteroid ever to reach the earth may have been divine, a Mars-sized body that formed over 4 billion years ago, during the first days of the solar system. Theia formed at a time of Lagrange, a gravitationally stable orbit around the Earth, which is opposite to the sun. Finally, the variation in pitch caused by these organizations vary ever closer to Earth, and finally that collided, throwing a large amount of ice melting in
From the Divine, the largest asteroid to impact Earth was much smaller, maxing about 10 kilometers (6 miles) in size. Larger asteroids could hit the Earth during the period called the Late Heavy Bombardment, which occurred between 4.1 and 3.8 billion years ago. Because most of the bark from this period has been pushed back and covered with a layer or layers of volcanic and sedimentary rocks, the largest crater of the asteroid can be hidden.
Confirmation largest crater on earth today is Vredefort crater in
The Wilkes Land unusual mass concentrations during ice cover Wilkes Land in
Where is the Biggest Asteroid Crater on Earth?

While the answer seems to be simple and easy, it's really very complex and not easy. Short answer is Vredefort Dome is the largest crater of the asteroid observations of the world. However, the
Vredefort Dome is about 186 miles (300 km) in diameter and 3 miles (5 km) deep and about 2 million years. It's
Stone layers of about 12.5 miles (20 km) below the surface of the Earth. There is also a dome in the center of the crater of the asteroid is. In fact, the researchers first thought the dome was created by the release of a volcano. In 1990, the survey found that it was caused by a collision with an asteroid. Vredefort Dome meteorite is one of the few places where there are several rounds that the impact of this asteroid. However, many rings were destroyed by erosion and earthquakes.
If you can see,
Researchers, Ralph von Frese and Laramie Potts, saw signs of a crater on the asteroid is present. These signs include the existence of a large demonstration block from the center ring. Mass concentration was found when the Grace of NASA satellites were used to compare differences in density of gravity measurements. Next, the ring was found by using the topography of the radar.
The researchers also believe that the meteorite crater in
Until samples are analyzed to see if it is a crater from an asteroid, scientists still wonder. NASA funded the initial findings of
Difference between Comet and Asteroid
There are several important differences between comets and asteroids, although the difference is not absolute. The main difference is that the tail of the comet, while asteroids do not. It is also important that comets often have very elongated orbits, sometimes moving up to 50,000 AU (Astronomical Units, or Earth-Sun distance) or more of the sun, while comets and short-term travel in the Since the outer planets before returning to the solar system. Asteroids tend to have more circular orbits, and merged into zones, like the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter and the Kuiper Belt beyond
The tail and coma (atmosphere) of comet generated by solar heating, evaporating substance (volatile with low boiling point) on the surface of a comet, especially the ice and retrieves all around the comet. As the solar wind carries the material evaporates and forms a tail. Even if you can imagine, goes beyond the tail of a comet in the direction is an empty spot, so there is no wind resistance because it happened. Instead, the tail always points away from the sun to change the direction of its comet orbits the sun and the solar system is tilted backwards.
There are many asteroids comets. Since 2008, there are only about 3572 known comets, and millions of asteroids known. Most comets are believed to originate from a position far removed from the sun, especially in the Oort cloud, suggesting the tape material orbiting 50,000 AU from the sun. Thus, comets are composed of a few solar system objects, which rotate much closer to the sun. The reason this ice on them in large numbers, they spend most of their time away from the sun, where ice and shared the sun's rays are not strong enough to burn.
However, the majority of asteroids in the asteroid belt on the line of snow, "" solar system, which means that the surface is dry as a bone - all the ice has long since evaporated. Almost everything in this line of snow is dry, with the Earth (and years to March) is an important exception. As the Earth is in the snow line, we believe that most of its original water can be deposited by the comet. Additional water were produced chemoautrophic bacteria that can produce water in the atmosphere of hydrogen sulphide and carbon dioxide.
What are Asteroids and Comets Made Of?
There are many different types of asteroid classification systems in use, making the classification and refers to a little confusing, even for astronomers. An important feature common to all systems that include three categories - carbon, known as type C, representing 85% of known asteroids, S silicaceous or rocky-type, which represents 17% of known asteroids and metal, called L -type or X-type, making up the rest at 8% of known asteroids. These types are usually divided into several subgroups based on spectral classification, albedo, and guesses about their composition. Some special types of categorization, for example, types Q, R, and V-are so rare they are a single asteroid.
Comets are actually among the darkest objects in the solar system, despite its reputation as bright bodies reflect only 3% - 5% of light received. In comparison, asphalt reflects 7% of the light. The black organic compounds which are made of comets - long chains of carbon-containing molecules such as hydrocarbons. Imagine a ball of material similar to oil or coal. Comets also contain large amounts of ice and dust. For most of their careers, comets are Pitch Black - It is only when they closely approach their magnificent Sunday ion tail is flying. Most comets have highly elliptical orbits that come close to the sun for several months and the use or hundreds of thousands of years deep in the solar system.
High-carbon asteroids and comets may be useful for future effort, space for colonization. In future asteroids could be removed and processed to generate molecular material gardens in space colonies. Nitrogen will continue to come from planets or moons, however.