Aloe Vera is a plant with many wonders One of the surprises. If you use it as a necessary ingredient in beauty products or consumed as a food supplement. Aloe Vera is a hot fertile region plant, but now cultivated in most of the world. Aloe is a member of the lily family, although it seems more of a cactus. Was used for the purpose of your medication before, but only recently has been a rediscovery and subsequent explosion of popularity.
There are over 200 varieties of aloes, but it is an Aloe Barbadensis Miller (Aloe Vera) plant, which has been the use of many drugs because of its richness screens. Aloe Vera has seen more than 75 active ingredients with a range of vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, calcium, essential amino acids, sugars, digestive enzymes, anti-enzymes stimuli, plant sterols, lignin, saponins, anthraquinones and more. Aloe Vera has many factors, including vitamins A, B, C and E. Aloe has a wealth of minerals and enzymes, but not all parties have not yet been identified.Sikuhizi, although medicines and drugs can be very effective in the treatment of diseases, prolonged use often involves side effects for patients. The results are more consumers and scientists to go back and look more traditional, and often are a primary source that has been neglected for a long time. As a result, Aloe Vera is once again drawing attention to, because it can provide many benefits for health and our lives without consequences.
BENEFITS of Aloe Vera
Old records show that the benefits of Aloe Vera have been known to mankind for centuries.Medical services and its healing properties and lives more than 5000 years.
Use one of the Aloe Vera juice can benefit from Aloe Vera to support autism, improve circulation, detoxify and heal from the inside. Aloe Vera Juice can be a part of a system of health every day, because it is safe to take each day. Aloe account adds much to our real gall.E 'strikes small intestine and stimulates the muscular coat of the intestine result in a drain in about fifteen hours. Aloe also help increase menstrual flow, and the group of emmenagogues.Aloin and aloe now used for medical purposes. This causes a bit 'of pain. It is better for the types of drugs most constipated. Continue to use has led to extend the measure.
Aloe profits with our health and help reduce blood sugar levels of diabetic patients. Aloe Vera is a powerful laxative which may be some anti-cancer effects in humans. Now, read the treatment of asthma.
USE OF Aloe VeraAloe Vera is commonly used to treat external skin conditions such as cuts, burns and echzema. It is alleged that the juice from Aloe Vera facilitates pain and reduces swelling. The scientific evidence of the efficacy of Aloe Vera SAP on wound healing is contradictory.Research shows that the average healing of severe burns has been accelerated by six days while covering the wound regularly and aloe vera gel, compared to the healing of wounds covered with gauze bandages. Contrast, the study suggests that lesions of aloe vera gel was applied were higher heals slowly.
Many cosmetic companies add SAP or products from Aloe Vera products such as makeup, shampoos, soaps, moisturizers, sunscreens and lotions. Aloe gel is accused of having an advantage for dry skin conditions, especially eczema around the eyes and face and sensitive skin to treat fungal infections true infections.Aloe has excellent results in skin diseases and often as a health drink. Aloe Vera also be effective in treating wrinkles, stretch marks and pigmentation. Auravedic where operators are in favor of the use of Aloe Vera. According to their Aloe Vera is a very good position in the diabetic. Aloe Vera is to be smaller the molecular structure and cutting properties. This means breaking down fat globules to reduce obesity.Medicinal properties of Aloe Vera are still under discussion, but the property is very nice to be accepted by the world.
Aloe Vera is also known that certain characteristics of the treatment. Aloe is used as a tonic for patients suffering from arthritis, diabetes and high cholesterol. This is due to additional housing estate, which aid in healing, fungal medications, drugs, effective against bacteria and other goods. It has been found to enhance the immune system. Transparent gel found in magazines, used as emergency treatment of skin wounds and erithema know also applied externally on hemorrhoids and foe a good healing. Aloe Vera has at least two substances that reduce the level of blood sugar, and points to its use in patients with hypoglycemia. Its juice is used as prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal tract. Aloe Vera efficacy in the treatment of skin, because the structure is the same as aspirin, and magnesium, which have eyes soporific effect and because the structure contributes to the purity antimicrobian skin, preventing the possibility of infection.
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