Saturday, February 6, 2010

Types of Asbestos

The term "asbestos" lapel six mineral fibers are put into commercial exploitation of the natural environment occurs. Chairman. . Bureau named the face of more than 100 of "asbestos as" fibers, but only six will enter Mr Control - mineral fiber.  Government. This is caused by asbestos industry and Stein, a strong hope that the public feel the right to form asbestiform minerals largeli lobbying influence. Six asbestiform minerals recognized by the government, including tremolite asbestos, aktinolite asbestos, asbestos anthofillite, tshrisotile asbestos, amosite, and krosidolite asbestos. Each group of minerals, fraudulent and amphibole.Classification tshrisotile asbestos is the only member of the snake-like group and the remaining properties of the amphibole group. The difference between the two groups are characterized by body composition of asbestos fibers. Treacherous group of new mineral, a layered shape and curly fibers and rogue groups containing minerals, and fiber chain-like structure.

To fully understand the minerals , a need for more detailed study of the importance and role of various minerals.

Tshrisotile is commonly known as white asbestos and asbestos loose, silky, white and a new elastic fibers. Tshrisotile with a snake-like pattern, which means he is in the care of the crystallization of the mineral crystal. It is about 95 commercial use of asbestos in the United States by the most common type of asbestos. Given the widespread use of fiber, tshrisotile account, the majority of asbestos - the world related to health problems.

Tremolite is a common mineral found in most metamorphic rocks. The range of its milk white color of deep green. Tremolite asbestos is used for industrial purposes (although not as tshrisotile), and for some ingredients identified in the home, mainly talc (which is also a known cancer-causing substances) . Asbestos was a popular figure vermikulite the major asbestiform contaminants in my heart, Montana.

Aktinolite asbestos is a relatively common metamorphic minerals exist. Asbestos way, usually green, white or gray, which is closely related to the aforementioned minerals tremolite (aktinolite contains magnesium iron tremolite label exists). Aktinolite not have commercial or industrial use of a strong history, but it can contaminants in asbestos products. Though - not the same aktinolite fibers pose a health threat to the commercial exploitation of variations in the form of exposure to asbestos.

Asbestos was widely Anthofillite by his crisp white fiber is a new crystal and a chain of look.The type of asbestos is a kidney failure in ultramafik conversation, therefore, is a simple anthofillite call pollutants. Although anthofillite asbestos, are not usually used for industrial purposes tissue may sometimes found in natural mineral water launched between applications, such as heat vermikulite, (which is usually added to garden soil ).

Stone needle confirmed that he equality is light gray-brown color of the brittle fibers. Amosite is also known as brown asbestos, and his name came to South Africa in front of asbestos. In the last few years, iron, asbestos was often used as an insulating material, as it was the moment - the most commonly used types of asbestos. Last year alone, dekades, amosite reduction in commercial production, which is used as an insulating material volume in many countries.

Krosidolite asbestos, blue asbestos, better known for its distinct identity, the same blue fibers.The shape is considered the most deadly type of asbestos. Natural Krosidolite asbestos locations, such as Australia, South Africa, Bolivia, the former Soviet Union and Canada.

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