Friday, February 5, 2010

Choosing a Right Web hosting Service

In fact, choosing the right host for your website is not an easy task, especially when there are thousands of web hosting providers all offering almost identical web hosting packages. Therefore, it is important to know some important considerations before you start looking for web hosting. Here are three important criteria for the application host:

Web Hosting Requirements 
This is probably the most important element to start looking for a host for your site. You need to decide on the technical requirements for your site, this includes:

a)Platform and Server hardware If you want to create a program site, including uses, such as Active Server Pages (ASP), Visual Basic scripts, Cold Fusion or Microsoft Access database or Microsoft SQL Server, in this case, you need to find a host that supports Windows platform such as Windows NT or Windows 2000 Server.

Also, if you want to use programming languages such as Perl, CGI, SSI, PHP and MySQL database, all web hosting plans that support Unix / Linux should be enough to meet the accommodation needs. If you have these server platform and hardware in mind, you can determine the best hosting plan for your needs. For more information, see "Selecting a Web server and server platform?

b) of disk space and bandwidth Here is another technical requirement that must be taken into consideration before choosing the hosting plan, ie disk space and bandwidth. If you want to publish a site that is not much content (ie, local), the requirement of disk space can be a big concern for you. In general, crowns of 200MB to 500MB of disk to meet the accommodation needs. Conversely, if you are planning a web site with lots of graphics, video or MP3 files, you should consider hosting plan offers a huge space, for example, 500 MB to 1000 MB.

Similarly, the capacity depends on an assessment of local call. Obviously, the site, which aims to attract high traffic will consume the monthly allowance of bandwidth very fast. If yes, then you must find a host that offers a capacity of 40 GB to 100 GB per month. Depending on the requirements of your site, choose a host that offers enough storage space and bandwidth is considered crucial to avoid paying additional costs in the future, the rate of abuse of monthly space, and the breadth of the group.

c) Other hosting Although the above requirements are extremely important, no other hosting service, which should be considered. Web hosting provider can support a video clip on your site, if you? Web hosting is compatible with Dreamweaver or FrontPage Web Authoring Tool? You want to create a virtual store online? Host can help develop the functionality of e-commerce, without additional cost to add the monthly payments? In addition, you may also want to know how many accounts email delivered, number of FTP accounts, web statistics software (analysis of web traffic), control panel support type (To manage your hosting service) to database and scripting languages supported, etc.

Reliability and scalability 
The first web hosting provider offers reliable server uptime and fast Internet connection. You just choose a hosting service that guarantee at least 99% of continuous work with the server, high-speed Internet backbones using at least OC3 (Optical Carrier) lines (155 Megabits per second) or above instead of T1 lines or T3.Reliable web hosting provider usually invests heavily in its infrastructure, data center, high-performance servers, highways, high-speed providers, more fail-over redundancy, backup power generators and firewall software to ensure a consistent uptime guarantee specified in the conditions of service.

In addition, you should choose a hosting service with hardware facilities that designed for scalability, so that they can grow with your business. For example, if you need to increase the disk space, traffic, or the number of MySQL database should be able to update, if necessary, without any problem.

Customer Support 
Last important factors in choosing a web hosting to find web hosting providers that offer a high level of customer service and support. You should always look for a hosting provider that offers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week technical support, which was well experienced technicians, so that any web hosting problems will be solved within a reasonable time. It can also be taken into account when assessing how to respond to their customer support, please send your request by e-mail Web Hosting Provider. In general, any response less than 24 hours is considered acceptable. This is a signal, poor customer service, where more than a day to respond.

In addition, the site hosting provider with excellent support should also provide support for multiple channels, such as free telephone support 24 / 7 e-mail, chat, knowledge base, online Flash interactive teaching and frequently asked questions.

These are important considerations before choosing a host. Furthermore, since there is a web hosting provider in business and how many clients now is a good indicator of its product quality accommodation and stability in society. Although the price of housing is also important, but there should be more attention. As prices for web hosting services has declined in recent years because of competition for the cheapest web hosting services that offer hosting services that have been converging to less than $ 10 per month. If you can not pay less than $ 10 per month, you're probably not in the online business for a long time. Therefore, no cost to be a big key.

On the other hand, is more important for the choice of web hosting is able to meet your website hosting needs of ensuring your site is always available to meet the speed, scalability to grow and develop your site and provide site support good customer. Depending on your needs web hosting, you can use our site, Cheap Web Hosting Review to find the recommended web hosting services that can meet the three most important criteria above.

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